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Texas | Reports | Guides & Newsletters
Indexes & Bibliographies | Books


Link A Bibliography of Texas Coastal Wetlands - Annotated and very extensive, from the Texas General Land Office.
Link Around The Bend - Newsletter of the Coastal Bend's bays and estuaries by the Corpus Christi Bay NEP (click on "Newsletters").
Link Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) - To conserve and manage the Coastal Bend bays of South Texas, a product of the Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program, August 1998.
Link Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program - A list of available works from the CCBNEP to order or download (click on "Library").
Link Galveston Bay Estuary Program - Publications available free of charge from the GBEP Office or the Galveston Bay Information Center.
Link The Galveston Bay Plan: Protection for the Texas Economy - A description of Galveston Bay, its econmonic values, and actions for protection.
Link New Waves - A Texas Water Resources Institute newsletter providing information on water research at Texas universities and includes abstracts, research news, meeting announcements and book reviews.
Link Private Lands Incentive Programs for Wetlands Conservation - Are you making the best use of your Wetlands? From the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Link Seabrook Wetland Conservation Plan - from the Houston-Galveston Area Council. The plan presents an approach to conserving Seabrook’s unique wetland resources while promoting economic growth and improving the quality of life for its residents. This plan is meant to serve as a model for other bay-area cities and to help ensure the health and diversity of the entire Galveston Bay Estuary.

Status and Trends of Wetland and Aquatic Habitats on Texas Barrier Islands, Matagorda Bay to San Antonio Bay - Presents results of a study to determine current status and historical trends of wetlands and associated aquatic habitats along the central Texas barrier island and delta system.

Link Texas Coastal Management Program - Coordinating state, local, and federal programs for the management of Texas coastal resources. Information on the CMP Grants Program, environmental impact statement, federal dredging projects, shoreline access plan, and more.
Link Texas Coastal Wetlands Guidebook - Describes the general evolution, structure, and functions of coastal plain wetlands as well as threats and major causes of wetland losses. Each major wetland type is described, in non-technical terms, with respect to location, geology and soils, hydrology, vegetation, animals, threats, ecological functions, and human values. The guidebook will be useful to anyone interested in learning and teaching about the values of Texas' coastal plain wetlands. Educational and informational resources are identified throughout the guidebook.
Texas Coastal Wetlands: Status and Trends, mid-1950s to early 1990s (PDF 1.35 MB - Download the FREE Acrobat Reader) A report detailing the distribution and change of the different wetland types found along the Texas coast.
Link Texas General Land Office Coastal Publications - Newsletters, reports, educational materials, posters, and pamphlets.
Link Texas Water Resources - A Texas Water Resources Institute newsletter providing in-depth coverage of specific critical water issues.
Link Texas Water Resources Institute Reports - Technical Completion Reports (TRs) from the TWRI.
Link The Texas Wetlands Conservation Plan - Initiated in 1994, the Texas Wetlands Conservation Plan focuses on non-regulatory, voluntary approaches to conserving Texas wetlands. Although development of the Plan has been coordinated by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, it is intended as a guide for wetlands conservation efforts throughout the state.
Link Wetlands Assistance Guide for Landowners - A comprehensive guide to federal, state, and private programs offering technical and/or financial assistance to private wetland owners within the State of Texas.

Texas | Reports | Guides & Newsletters | Indexes & Bibliographies | Books


Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States - Intended to describe ecological taxa, arrange them in a system useful to resource managers, furnish units for mapping, and provide uniformity of concepts and terms by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Link Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) - To conserve and manage the Coastal Bend bays of South Texas, a product of the Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program, August 1998.
Link The Ecological Condition of Estuaries in the Gulf of Mexico - One in a series of "State of the Region" reports from the EPA-Office of Research and Development, USGS-Biological Resources Division, EPA's Gulf of Mexico Program, and EPA Regions 4 and 6. The report summarizes the condition or status, extent, and geographical distribution of ecological resources in the estuaries of the Gulf of Mexico.
Link EMAP Estuaries: A Report on the Condition of the Estuaries of the United States in 1990-1993 - From the EPA Office of Research and Development.
The Impact of Federal Programs on Wetlands - Vol. II - Identifies Federal programs which could promote the conversion or degradation of wetlands and examines ways to revise the programs to accomplish three important goals: reduce economic inefficiencies and inequities, ease the drain on the Federal budget, and conserve environmentally significant wetlands with a minimum of Federal involvement and expenditure; covers all major wetland regions in the United States except the bottom hardwoods of the Lower Mississipi Alluvial Plain and the Prairie Pothole Region of the Upper Midwest.
National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands from the USFWS, Branch of Habitat Assessment - View a regional list or download the national list.
National Wetland Inventory - Reports and technical papers about many facets of wetland ecology and wetland enumeration, from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Link National Water Summary on Wetland Resources - Presents an overview of the status of wetlands at the present time: what they are, where they are found, why they are important, and the controversies surrounding them, with an emphasis on their hydrology by the U.S. Geological Survey.
Link Protecting America's Wetlands: A Fair, Flexible, and Effective Approach - A paper detailing a comprehensive package of improvements to the Federal wetlands program from the EPA's Office of Water.
Link Texas General Land Office Coastal Publications - Newsletters, reports, educational materials, posters, and pamphlets.
Link Two Years of Progress: Meeting Our Commitment for Wetlands Reform - A report on the progress of the Clinton Administration Wetlands Plan.
Link Wetlands: Characteristics and Boundaries - Executive summary of a report by the National Research Council.
Wetlands Delineation Manual - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Federal delineation manual used in the Clean Water Act Section 404 regulatory program for the identification and delineation of wetlands.
Link Wetlands Fact Sheets - A plethora of information about wetlands and the programs that affect them, from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Link Wetlands Fact Sheets - Together with other environmentally-related fact sheets, from the Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey.

Texas | Reports | Guides & Newsletters | Indexes & Bibliographies | Books

Guides & Newsletters

Birdscapes - Newsletter of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Link Coastlines - Information about estuaries and near coastal waters; a publication of the Urban Harbors Institute in cooperation with the EPA.
Link Estuaries - The journal of the Estuarine Research Federation which publishes manuscripts presenting original research findings, reviews, techniques, and comments.
Link Insight - Newsletter of the Wetland Science Institute, USDA/Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Link National Wetlands Newsletter - In-depth coverage of wetlands regulation, policy, management efforts, and scientific advances, from the Universities Water Information Network.
Link On The Coast Newsletter - News stories focusing on the Texas Coast, from the Texas General Land Office.
Link Quarterdeck - Magazine of the Texas A&M University Department of Oceanography.
Link Reinventing Water Quality Programs - To receive this guide, contact: U.S. EPA, Region 6 - 1445 Ross Ave., Suite 200 - Dallas, TX 75202-2733
Link Saving Wetlands - The newsletter of the National Audubon Society's Wetlands Campaign.
Link Wetlands - The journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists concerned with all aspects of wetlands biology, ecology, hydrology, water chemistry, soil and sediment characteristics, management, and laws and regulations.

Texas | Reports | Guides & Newsletters | Indexes & Bibliographies | Books

Indexes & Bibliographies

Link A Bibliography of Texas Coastal Wetlands - Annotated and very extensive, from the Texas General Land Office.
Link Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Bibliographic Database - A comprehensive list of EMAP and EMAP-related publications with a dynamic search capability, from the EPA.
Link EPA Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds - The publications in this list are divided into seven topic areas: Wetlands, Oceans/Coastal, Watershed Protection, Nonpoint Source, Data Management, Water Quality Assessment & Monitoring, and Bulletins.
Link Galveston Bay Bibliography - Search the bibliography which contains more that 5,500 references to works concerning historical as well as up-to-date research and issues of importance to Galveston Bay.
Link National Wetlands Research Center, USGS Publications and Information Products (fact sheets, publications by category, comprehensive publications and information products list, and publications database).
Link National Wetlands Research Center, USGS Research Library (library catalog, publications list, digital collection, and virtual reference shelf).
Link Olentangy River Wetland Research Park Publications - Books, articles, technical reports, theses and dissertations from the Wetland Ecology Program at Ohio State University.
Link U.T. Center for Research in Water Resources - Research projects and conference presentations in Hydrologic Modeling using GIS from the Center for Research in Water Resources at the University of Texas at Austin.
Link Versatility of Wetlands in the Agricultural Landscape - 1995 conference - Issues and new developments related to the role of wetlands in the agricultural landscape for water resources, wildlife protection and alternative use of wetlands; abstracts from papers: wetland identification and classification-hydrologic considerations, constructed wetlands, wetland restoration, wetland management, ecology and issues.
Link Texas General Land Office Coastal Publications - Newsletters, reports, educational materials, posters, and pamphlets.
Link Wetlands Materials Index - A list of technical reports available through the USACE Waterways Experiment Station Library with links to those online.
Link Wetland Restoration Bibliography - Over 3000 entries in a searchable database or view them all online or download the entire bibliography; developed by the Northern Prairie Science Center and the Midcontinent Ecological Science Center.

Texas | Reports | Guides & Newsletters | Indexes & Bibliographies | Books


Link Association of State Wetland Managers Wetland Book Service - An extensive list of books and reports available for order from the Association of State Wetland Managers.
Link National Audubon Society - Complete Audubon book list.
Link Sierra Club - Sierra Club bookstore.

Texas | Reports | Guides & Newsletters
Indexes & Bibliographies | Books

Last updated on 4 October 2002.
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Resource Management Program
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Austin, TX 78711-2873
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