Child Support Division

The Office of the Attorney General is the official Title IV-D child support enforcement agency for Texas. The Attorney General's Child Support Division provides the following services on a case-by-case basis:

  • Locating non-custodial parents
  • Establishing paternity
  • Establishing and enforcing child support and medical support orders
  • Collecting and distributing child support payments
  • Reviewing and adjusting child support orders

Through contract with a private vendor, the division operates a State Disbursement Unit (SDU) that receives, processes and distributes IV-D child support collections and non-IV-D payments.

The Child Support Family Initiatives support and build upon the Attorney General's commitment to value Texas families and children. These innovative policies and initiatives encourage and support healthy marriage, family formation/connections, and responsible fatherhood / parenthood. The Family Initiatives are designed to maximize benefits to children and families, improve the Child Support Division's effectiveness and efficiency, and decrease long-term costs to government.

Revised: February 29 2008