Foreclosure Assistance Solutions FAQ

What was the outcome of the Attorney General’s case?

On April 8, 2008, a Bexar County State District Court approved the State’s Final Judgment and Permanent Injunction against Foreclosure Assistance Solutions and approved the State’s plan to provide restitution to Texas residents who had given money to Foreclosure Assistance Solutions.

The Court approved Randolph Osherow as the Disbursing Agent for these funds. Mr. Osherow will be responsible for issuing and distributing checks to consumers.

When can I expect my check?

The first round of checks will be sent to consumers whose information was confirmed by the Office of the Attorney General when comparing it against Foreclosure Assistance Solutions' records, including amounts paid to the company, addresses, etc. Those checks will be issued beginning in late April through early May, 2008.

After that, checks will be issued monthly to consumers who contact the Office of the Attorney General to verify their payment of funds to Foreclosure Assistance Solutions as well as their current contact information.

How can I find out if I will be receiving a check?

If you are a Texas resident, call the Office of the Attorney General at 210-225-4191.

How much will I receive?

If you are a Texas resident, you will receive the amount that could be verified as paid to Foreclosure Assistance Solutions.

Will I receive any money for related expenses?

No. You will only receive the amount that can be verified as paid to Foreclosure Assistance Solutions..

If I cash the check, can I sue Foreclosure Assistance Solutions for additional damages?

No. If you cash the check sent to you, you give up your right to sue Foreclosure Assistance Solutions for any additional claims you may otherwise have against them.

Is it too late to file a claim?

No. The Office of the Attorney General cannot guarantee that your claim will be able to be confirmed and paid, but you may file a claim until January 3, 2009. Please contact 210-225-4191 to inquire about filing a claim.


Revised: April 28 2008