Texas Department of Insurance

Website Survey

1990 Biennial Report of the Legislative Oversight Committee on Workers' Compensation


This report fulfills the legislative reporting requirement included in the charge for the Legislative Oversight Committee on Workers' Compensation (LOC) as contained in Senate Bill 1.1 The report must provide an analysis of the implementation of the new workers' compensation system and identify any problems needing to be addressed.

It is too early to adequately evaluate the effect of some of the changes made in Senate Bill 1. The majority of the provisions in the law do not become effective until January 1, 1991, or later.

1. "Senate Bill 1" refers to Senate Bill 1, Second Called Session, 71st Legislature.

For further information, contact: WCResearch@tdi.state.tx.us .
This page was last updated on December 9, 2002.

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