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TCEQ Chief Clerk's Database

Tracks status of all matters pending before the Commission and Executive Director for approval, after notice issued, if applicable. Includes enforcement cases, rules, permit and license applications, registrations, actions involving water districts.

This search will show you:

  • Status of pending permit applications declared administratively or technically complete. Also the status of registrations, license applications, enforcement actions, transfers of ownership of facilities and issuance of bonds for water districts, utility and rate services.
  • Comment period deadline, information about whether a contested case hearing has been requested on an item or whether comments have been received.
  • Whether the item has been set for consideration at the TCEQ Commissioners' Agenda or for the Executive Director's Agenda.

Search the Executive Director's Agenda and Marked Agenda for more details about items on it.

See the Commission Agendas page for more details about current and past agendas.

See the Commission Work Sessions page for current and past agendas from these informal meetings of the TCEQ leadership.

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