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The Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors public elementary, middle and high schools that are either academically superior or that demonstrate dramatic gains in student achievement. In addition to being honored at a ceremony in Washington, D.C., where each school receives a plaque and flag signifying their status, these schools serve as models for other schools throughout the state and the nation.


The program requires schools to meet either of two assessment criteria:

  • Schools that have at least 40% of their students from disadvantaged backgrounds that dramatically improve student performance in accordance with state assessment systems
  • Schools that score in the top 10% on state assessments

Of the schools submitted by each state, at least 1/3 must meet the first criterion of having 40% of the students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The program allows both elementary and secondary schools to be recognized in the same year.

The U.S. Department of Education allows the commissioner of education for Texas to nominate 26 schools.

Applicant Information:

To be considered for Blue Ribbon School Recognition by the U. S. Department of Education, a Texas public school must be nominated by the commissioner of education. Campuses recommended for nomination are selected through analysis of student assessment data. Please see the NCLB-Blue Ribbon Schools Guide (Resources and Guidance) for a more detailed explanation of the selection for nomination process.


Laws, Rules and Guidance:

The United States Department of Education is responsible for administering the Blue Ribbon Schools Program, which is authorized by Public Law 107-110 (January 8, 2002), Part D—Fund for the Improvement of Education, Subpart 1, Sec. 5411(b)(5)


These profiles and presentations can serve as a resource for schools. They can be used to:

  • Stimulate ideas for discussion with school planning teams
  • Target strategies to address problems currently identified as needing improvement by the school community
  • Prompt the school administration to contact the Blue Ribbon School presenter to learn more about the topic area
  • Refer others to the No Child Left Behind-Blue Ribbon Schools website as a resource for school improvement strategies
Links to resources


  • How do I nominate a school for this recognition?
    • The process for applying for Blue Ribbon School Recognition changed in 2003. A campus may no longer self-nominate. Nominations are made by the Chief State School Officer (the commissioner of education in Texas) and each state is given a quota of the number of schools that may be nominated. Selection for nomination is based on the process prescribed by the U.S. Department of Education.
  • My school is Recognized or Exemplary. Will we be considered for Blue Ribbon School Recognition?
    • The state accountability status is based on the percentage of students meeting standards and commended on TAKS tests. If the percentage of students in the top tested grade level for your campus is in the top 10% of the state, then your campus will be considered. Please see the Texas NCLB-Blue Ribbon School Guide (Laws, Rules and Guidance) for a detailed explanation of the selection process.
