Texas Department of Insurance

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Texas Department of Insurance History

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Commissioner as Statistician and Historian
Insurance and Banking Merged
Board of Insurance Commissioners Created
First Insurance Code Published
The State Board of Insurance Created
Landmarks in Texas Insurance History
Past Board Members and Commissioners


The recorded history of insurance law in Texas and the predecessors of the Texas Department of Insurance date back to 1876 -- the year Mark Twain published "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and Colorado became the 38th state.

The constitution of Texas adopted that year authorized the Legislature to create the office of Insurance Commissioner when it deemed it necessary.

Two years earlier, the state had made its first effort to regulate the insurance business in Texas. The state's economy and population were growing, and wildcat insurance schemes were common. The 14th Legislature in 1874 passed a law regulating the life and health insurance business in the areas of company formation, activities and coverage.

The Legislature also gave the State Comptroller of Public Accounts supervisory authority over insurance -- one of many duties imposed on him by statute. There was, however, no insurance department in existence at that time.

In the early days of statehood, practically all insurance business in Texas was written by companies organized in other states and foreign countries. According to State Comptroller's records, out of 61 companies doing business in Texas in 1874, only four were domestic.

Until the 1876 State Constitution was adopted, Texas insurance corporations were created by special act in the various state legislative sessions. These domestic companies ventured into the business -- mostly fire and marine insurance -- in competition with financially stronger and more experienced out-of-state companies. As a result, most of them either went bankrupt or had to be reinsured and taken over by their out-of-state counterparts.

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Commissioner as Statistician and Historian

When the 15th Legislature met in 1876, it took advantage of the authorization given to it by the 1876 constitution and created the Department of Insurance, Statistics and History. In addition to his insurance-related duties, the commissioner was charged with keeping information and statistics on the state's population, wealth and general resources. He also was the state historian. And to make sure that he would not waste his spare time, he was made state librarian and superintendent of public grounds and buildings, as well.

About 10 years later, the office of the commissioner was expanded. In 1887, the 20th Legislature added agriculture to the commissioner's authority and renamed the agency the Department of Agriculture, Insurance, Statistics and History. The commissioner also was made an ex-officio member of the Texas A&M College Board of Directors.

The business of insurance continued to grow at the turn of the century. By the end of 1900, 138 licensed and admitted insurance companies of all types operated in Texas and premium income on Texas companies reached almost $10 million.

In subsequent years, the commissioner's authority continued to be revised by the Legislature. In 1905, the first state banking act was passed, adding the regulation and supervision of state banks to the office of the Commissioner of Agriculture, Insurance, Statistics and History.

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Insurance and Banking Merged

In 1907, the 30th Legislature created the office of Commissioner of Agriculture. All duties relating to agriculture were taken out of the old department, which was now renamed Department of Insurance and Banking. Interestingly, the law did not dispose of the functions dealing with statistics and history. Instead, they quietly faded out of the picture and were absorbed by the office of the State Librarian.

Just two years later, in 1909, the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking was made chair of the newly created Fire Insurance Rating Board. The Board's primary responsibility was to prevent discrimination in rates. The commissioner also became supervisor of all "building and loan associations" in Texas.

The first two commissioners of insurance and banking were attorneys with experience in both fields. Thomas B. Love would later serve in the State Senate and William E. Hawkins would later serve on the Supreme Court of Texas. According to historians, every Commissioner of Insurance and Banking after Hawkins was selected for his banking and not his insurance qualifications.

The fire rating board was replaced by the State Insurance Board in 1910 and given authority to promulgate fire rates. The Board was composed of the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking -- serving as chair of the Board -- and two appointed members. One of these was designated State Fire Marshal. Just three years later, in 1913, the State Insurance Board's name was changed to the State Fire Insurance Commission and its authority broadened.

All the while, insurance and banking functions were kept together under one agency, despite repeated urging by the commissioner dating back to 1914 to separate them into two new agencies. In 1923, the 38th Legislature finally made the change, creating the Department of Insurance and the Banking Department, each headed by a separate commissioner.

Also in 1923, the Legislature transferred rate-making authority in the area of workers' compensation from the Texas Employer's Insurance Association (TEIA) -- which was created as a result of the workers' compensation law passed in 1913 -- to the State Fire Insurance Commission.

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Board of Insurance Commissioners Created

The 40th Legislature in 1927 passed an act creating the Board of Insurance Commissioners. The Board was composed of the Life Insurance Commissioner (also chairman of the Board), Fire Insurance Commissioner and Casualty Insurance Commissioner. The Legislature that year also gave the insurance commissioner the power to approve and disapprove auto insurance rates and to promulgate uniform policy forms.

The Board's first chair, R. B. Cousins Jr., reflected on the previous separation of the Department of Insurance and the State Fire Insurance Commission: "The performance of the several duties of the two departments were so interdependent and inter-related that the effort to operate them as a unit resulted in considerable duplication of effort, working of cross-purposes, and lost motion."

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First Insurance Code Published

The next major landmark in the history of insurance regulation in Texas came in 1951, when insurance laws were codified into the Texas Insurance Code. The code retained a format consistent with early law, devoting separate chapters to specific kinds of companies.

The insurance industry in Texas also was rocked by insolvency scandals in the 1950's. Twenty-three domestic companies were placed in receivership between 1954 and 1958. As a result, the Legislature passed at least 16 insurance-related bills, among them measures strengthening examination laws, increasing minimum capital and surplus requirements, and giving more control to the Board for the issuing of certificates of authority.

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The State Board of Insurance Created

In 1957, the State Board of Insurance was created by the 55th Legislature. The law stated that "the Board will operate as a unit with its members prohibited from dividing or confining their activities or functions into special fields of insurance regulation."

It also set out minimum experience for Board members, minimum attendance at meetings, and prohibition of insurance interests while on the Board. The law stated the chair of the three-member Board would be designated by the Governor in January of odd-numbered years.

The State Board of Insurance had the responsibility of hiring a Commissioner of Insurance, to serve at its pleasure as chief administrative officer. The Commissioner also served as State Fire Marshal until 1975, when the 64th Legislature created a separate State Fire Marshal's Office.

Both the State Fire Marshal's Office and the Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) -- created in 1987 by the 70th Legislature to represent consumer interests -- became independent of the Board on September 1, 1991, as a result of legislation passed by the 72nd Legislature. OCP is now known as the Office of Public Insurance Counsel. The State Fire Marshal's Office was moved to the the Texas Commission on Fire Protection in 1991, but moved back to the Texas Department of Insurance in 1997.

Under terms of sunset legislation passed by the 73rd Legislature in the spring of 1993, most of the Board's authority transferred on September 1, 1993, to a Commissioner appointed by the Governor for a two-year term in each odd-numbered year and confirmed by the Texas Senate. The new law permitted the Board to continue its authority over the areas of rates, policy forms and related matters until August 31, 1994. On November 18, 1993, however, the Board voted unanimously to turn over full authority to the Commissioner as of December 16, 1993.

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Landmarks in Texas Insurance History

The recorded history of insurance law in Texas and the predecessors of the Texas Department of Insurance date back to 1876. The Texas Constitution adopted that year authorized the Legislature to create the Office of Insurance Commissioner when it deemed necessary.

Following are key events in Texas insurance regulation:

1876 - 15th Legislature creates TDI's predecessor-the Department of Insurance, Statistics and History. In addition to his insurance-related duties, the commissioner is charged with keeping information and statistics on the state's population, wealth and general resources. He is also the state historian, state librarian, and superintendent of public grounds and buildings.

1887 - 20th Legislature expands the commissioner's authority to include agriculture and renames the agency the Department of Agriculture, Insurance, Statistics and History. The commissioner also is made an ex-officio member of the Texas A&M College Board of Directors.

1905 - the first state banking act is passed, adding the regulation and supervision of state banks to the office of the Commissioner of Agriculture, Insurance, Statistics and History.

1907 - 30th Legislature creates the office of Commissioner of Agriculture and renames TDI's predecessor the Department of Insurance and Banking.

1909 - Commissioner of Insurance and Banking is made chair of the newly created Fire Insurance Rating Board. The commissioner also becomes supervisor of all building and loan associations in Texas.

1910 - Fire rating board is replaced by the State Insurance Board and given authority to promulgate fire rates.

1913 - State Insurance Board's name is changed to the State Fire Insurance Commission and its authority is broadened. Workers' compensation law is passed and Texas Employers Insurance Association (TEIA) is created.

1923 - 38th Legislature separates insurance and banking functions by creating the Department of Insurance and the Banking Department, each headed by a separate commissioner. The Legislature transfers rate-making authority in the area of workers' compensation from TEIA to the State Fire Insurance Commission.

1927 - 40th Legislature creates the Board of Insurance Commissioners, composed of the Life Insurance Commissioner, the Fire Insurance Commissioner and Casualty Insurance Commissioner. The Legislature also gives the insurance commissioner the power to approve or disapprove auto insurance rates and to promulgate uniform policy forms.

1951 - Insurance laws are codified as Texas Insurance Code.

1954 - 1958 -- Insurance industry in Texas is rocked by domestic scandals. As a result, the Legislature passes at least 16 insurance-related bills, among them measures strengthening examination laws, increasing minimum capital and surplus requirements, and giving more control to the Board for the issuing of certificates of authority.

1957 - Modern Board -- the State Board of Insurance -- takes shape as a result of changes mandated in the agency's operation by the 55th Legislature. The three-member Board is given responsibility for hiring a Commissioner of Insurance to serve at its pleasure as chief administrative officer.

1975 - The Legislature creates a separate State Fire Marshal's Office (SFMO).

1987 - 70th Legislature creates the Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) under the SBI.

1988 - National County Mutual insolvency -- largest ever in Texas -- leads to resignation of Commissioner, many changes at SBI and reform legislation passed by the 71st Legislature in 1989.

1989 - Legislature enacts major workers' compensation reform law.

1991 - 72nd Legislature passes the most comprehensive insurance reform legislation (HB2 and HB62) in Texas history, affecting everything from ratemaking to the compulsory auto insurance liability law. The State Board is renamed the Texas Department of Insurance. OCP is made independent of TDI, renamed the Office of Public Insurance Counsel (OPIC) and its powers broadened. The SFMO becomes part of new Texas Commission on Fire Protection.

1993 - 73rd Legislature passes legislation giving most of Board's authority to a Commissioner to be appointed by the Governor in odd-numbered years to a two-year term and confirmed by the Texas Senate. It allows Board to continue its authority over rates, policy forms and related matters until August 31, 1994. On November 18, 1993, however, the Board votes unanimously to turn over all remaining authority to the Commissioner as of December 16, 1993.

2003 - In response to rising homeowners insurance premiums, the Legislature provides TDI with new authority to regulate all property and casualty insurance rates in Texas, eliminating exemptions for Lloyd’s and County Mutual companies. The Legislature also shifts the method of automobile and property insurance regulation from a benchmark system to a file-and-use system.

2005 - The Legislature abolishes the Texas Workers’ Compensation Commission and transfers its duties to TDI.

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Past Board Members and Commissioners

Texas Department of Insurance and Forerunners

Name Appointed / Qualified Comments
V.O. King Aug. 21.1876 / Aug. 28, 1876  
V. O. King Jan. 23, 1879 / Jan. 30, 1879  
A. W. Spaight Jan. 20, 1881 / Jan. 26, 1881  
H. P. Brewster Jan. 20, 1883 / Jan. 31, 1883 Died Dec. 28, 1884
H. P. Bee Dec. 30, 1884 / Dec. 30, 1884 Succeeded Brewster
L. L. Foster Jan. 20, 1887 / Jan. 21, 1887  
L. L. Foster Jan. 15, 1889 / Jan. 23, 1889  
L. L. Foster Jan. 22, 1891 / Jan 27, 1891 Resigned May 4, 1891
John E. Hollingsworth May 2, 1891 / May 5, 1891  
John E. Hollingsworth Jan. 21, 1893 / May 4, 1893  
A. J. Rose Jan. 16, 1895 / Jan. 17, 1895  
A. J. Rose Feb. 1, 1897 / Feb. 17, 1895  
Jefferson Johnson July 28, 1897 / July 31, 1897 Resigned Aug. 1, 1897
Jefferson Johnson Jan. 19, 1899 / Jan. 20, 1899 Succeeded A. J. Rose
Jefferson Johnson Jan. 19, 1901 / Jan. 20, 1901  
Jefferson Johnson Jan. 19, 1901 / Jan. 20, 1903  
W. J. Clay Jan. 19, 1903 / Jan. 20, 1903  
W. J. Clay Jan. 19, 1905 / Jan. 20, 1905  
R. T. Milner Jan 17, 1907 / Jan. 21, 1907 Resigned Aug. 31, 1907
Thos. B. Love Aug. 31, 1907 / Sept. 1, 1907 Succeeded R. T.Milner
Thos. B. Love Jan. 20, 1909 / Jan 21, 1909 Resigned Jan. 31, 1910
Wm. E. Hawkins Jan 31, 1910 / Feb. 1, 1910 Retired Aug. 3, 1910
Frederick C. von Rosenberg Aug. 4, 1910 / Aug. 4, 1910 Succeeded Wm. E. Hawkins
B. L. Gill Jan. 17, 1911 / Jan. 24, 1911  
B. L. Gill Jan. 17, 1913 / Jan. 17, 1913 Resigned July 10, 1913
W. W. Collier July 18, 1913 / July 28, 1913 Succeeded B. L. Gill
Jno. S. Patterson Jan. 17, 1915 / Jan. 17, 1915 Died August 29, 1916
Chas. O. Austin Aug. 31, 1916 / Sept. 1, 1916 Succeeded Jno. S. Patterson
Chas. O. Austin Jan. 17, 1917 / Feb. 27, 1917 Resigned Jan. 31, 1919
Geo. Waverly Briggs Jan. 21, 1919 / Feb. 1, 1919 Resigned April 1, 1920
J. C. Chidsey April 1, 1920 / April 1, 1920 Resigned Aug. 1, 1920
J. T. McMillin Aug. 1, 1920 / Aug. 4, 1920 Resigned Jan 20, 1921
Ed. Hall Jan. 20, 1921 / Jan. 21, 1921 Resigned Aug. 31, 1922
J. L. Chapman Sept. 1, 1922 / Sept. 1, 1922 Term expired Aug. 13, 1923
John M. Scott Aug. 14, 1923 / Aug. 14, 1923 Term expired Sept. 30, 1925
R. L. Daniel Sept. 1, 1925 / Oct. 1, 1925 Term expired Sept. 30, 1927
T. M. Campbell, Jr. Feb. 3, 1927 / Feb. 3, 1927 Died Aug. 26, 1928
G. N. Holton Feb 3, 1927 / Feb 3, 1927 Term expired Feb. 15, 1928
J. W. DeWeese Sept. 17, 1928 / Oct. 1, 1928  
W. S. Pope Feb. 18, 1928 / Mar. 1, 1928  
R. B. Cousins, Jr. Sept. 1, 1927 / Oct. 1, 1927 Resigned April 30, 1929
W. A. Tarver May 1, 1929 / May 2, 1929  

Annual Report /
Year Ending
56th / 8-31-31 W. A. Tarver, Chairman of the Board and Life Insurance Commissioner
J. W. DeWeese, Fire Insurance Commissioner
W. S. Pope, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
57th / 8-31-32 W. A. Tarver, Chairman of the Board and Life Insurance Commissioner
Raymond S. Maulk, Fire Insurance Commissioner
W. S. Pope, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
58th / 8-31-33 R. L. Daniel, Chairman of the Board and Life Insurance Commissioner
Raymond S. Maulk, Fire Insurance Commissioner
W. S. Pope, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
59th / 8-31-34 R. L. Daniel, Chairman of the Board and Life Insurance Commissioner
Raymond S. Maulk, Fire Insurance Commissioner
Walter S. Pope, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
60th / 8-31-35 R. L. Daniel, Chairman of the Board and Life Insurance Commissioner
R. G. Waters, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
Raymond S. Maulk, Fire Insurance Commissioner
61st / 8-31-36 R. L. Daniel, Chairman of the Board and Life Insurance Commissioner
R. G. Waters, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
Raymond S. Maulk, Fire Insurance Commissioner
62nd / 8-31-37 R. L. Daniel, Chairman of the Board and Life Insurance Commissioner
R. G. Waters, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
Mavin Hall, Fire Insurance Commissioner
63rd / 8-31-38 R. L. Daniel, Chairman of the Board and Life Insurance Commissioner
R. G. Waters, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
Mavin Hall, Fire Insurance Commissioner
64th / 8-31-39 Walter C. Woodward, Chairman of the Board & Life Ins. Comm.
R. G. Waters, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
Mavin Hall, Fire Insurance Commissioner
65th / 8-31-40 Walter C. Woodward, Chairman of the Board & Life Ins. Comm.
Reuben Williams, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
Mavin Hall, Fire Insurance Commissioner
66th / 8-31-41 Annual Report missing
67th / 8-31-42 Annual Report missing
68th / 8-31-43 O. P. Lockhart, Chairman of the Board & Life Insurance Commissioner
Mavin Hall, Fire Insurance Commissioner
J. P. Gibbs, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
69th / 8-31-44 O. P. Lockhart, Chairman of the Board & Life Insurance Commissioner
Mavin Hall, Fire Insurance Commissioner
J. P. Gibbs, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
70th / 8-31-45 George B. Butler, Chairman of the Board & Life Ins. Commissioner
Mavin Hall, Fire Insurance Co-Commissioner
J. P. Gibbs, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
71st / 8-31-46 George B. Butler, Chairman of the Board & Life Ins. Commissioner
Mavin Hall, Fire Insurance Commissioner
J. P. Gibbs, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
72nd / 8-31-47 George B. Butler, Chairman of the Board & Life Ins. Commissioner
Mavin Hall, Fire Insurance Commissioner
J. P. Gibbs, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
73rd / 8-31-48 George B. Butler, Chairman of the Board & Life Ins. Commissioner
Mavin Hall, Fire Insurance Commissioner
J. P. Gibbs, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
74th / 8-31-49 George B. Butler, Chairman of the Board & Life Ins. Commissioner
Paul H. Brown, Fire Insurance Commissioner
J. P. Gibbs, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
75th / 8-31-50 George B. Butler, Chairman of the Board & Life Ins. Commissioner
Paul H. Brown, Fire Insurance Commissioner
J. P. Gibbs, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
76th / 8/31/51 George B. Butler, Chairman of the Board & Life Ins. Commissioner
Paul H. Brown, Fire Insurance Commissioner
J. P. Gibbs, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
77th / 8/31/52 George B. Butler, Chairman of the Board & Life Ins. Commissioner
Paul H. Brown, Fire Insurance Commissioner
Garland A. Smith, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
78th / 8/31/53 George B. Butler, Chair of Board & Life Insurance Commissioner
Paul H. Brown, Fire Insurance Commissioner
Garland A. Smith, Casualty Ins. Commissioner
79th / 8-31-54 Garland A. Smith, Chair of Board & Life Insurance Commissioner
Mark Wentz, Fire Insurance Commissioner
J. Byron Saunders, Casualty Commissioner
80th/ 8-31-55 Garland A. Smith, Chair of Board & Life Insurance Commissioner
Mark Wentz, Fire Insurance Commissioner
J. Byron Saunders, Casualty Commissioner
81st / 8-31-56 J. Byron Saunders, Chair of Board & Life Insurance Commissioner
Mark Wentz, Fire Insurance Commissioner
Morris Browlee, Casualty Insurance Commissioner
82nd / 8-31-57 Penn J. Jackson, Chair of Board
J. P. Gibbs, Member
David B. Irons, Member
William A. Harrison, Commissioner
83rd / 8-31-58 Penn J. Jackson, Chairman
David B. Irons, Member
Robert W. Strain, Member
William A. Harrison, Commissioner
84th / 8-31-59 Penn J. Jackson, Chairman
David B. Irons, Member
Robert W. Strain, Member
William A. Harrison, Commissioner
85th / 8-31-60 Penn J. Jackson, Chairman
Robert W. Strain, Member
Ned Price, Member
William A. Harrison, Commissioner
86th / 8-31-61 Thomas C. Ferguson, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
William A. Harrison, Commissioner
87th / 8-31-62 Ned Price, Chairman
Durwood Manford, Member
Joseph F. Trosper, Member
William A. Harrison, Commissioner
88th / 8-31-63 William Hunter McLean, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
J. N. Nutt , Commissioner
89th / 8-31-64 William Hunter McLean, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
J. N. Nutt , Commissioner
90th / 8-31-65 William Hunter McLean, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
J. N. Nutt , Commissioner
91st / 8-31-66 William Hunter McLean, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
Clay Cotten, Commissioner
92nd / 8-31-67 William Hunter McLean, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
Clay Cotten , Commissioner
93rd / 8-31-68 George M. Cowden, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
Clay Cotten
94th / 8-31-69 Ned Price, Chairman
Durwood Manford, Member
Charles D. Mathews, Member
Clay Cotten, Commissioner
95th / 8-31-70 Ned Price, Chairman
Durwood Manford, Member
Charles D. Mathews, Member
Clay Cotten, Commissioner
96th / 8-31-71 Larry Teaver, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
Clay Cotten, Commissioner
97th / 8-31-72 Ray Kirkpatrick, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
Clay Cotten, Commissioner
98th / 8-31-73 Joe Christie, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
Clay Cotten, Commissioner
99th / 8-31-74 Joe Christie, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
Clay Cotten
100th / 8-31-75 Joe Christie, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
Joseph D. Hawkins, Commissioner
101st / 8-31-76 Joe Christie, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
Joseph D. Hawkins, Commissioner
102nd / 8-31-77 Joe Christie, Chairman
Ned Price, Member
Durwood Manford, Member
E. J. Voorhis, Commissioner
103rd / 8-31-78 Ned Price, Acting Chairman
Durwood Manford, Member
E. J. Voorhis, Commissioner (Hugh Yantis appointed but rejected by Senate, August 1978)
104th / 8-31-79 William P. Daves, Jr., Chairman
Durwood Manford, Member
Lyndon Olson, Jr., Member
E. J. Voorhis, Commissioner (Lyndon Olson appointed Chairman on January 2, 1979; Daves appointed Chairman, June 1979)
105th / 8-31-80 William P. Daves, Jr., Chairman
Durwood Manford, Member
Lyndon Olson, Jr., Member
E. J. Voorhis, Commissioner
106th / 8-31-81 William P. Daves, Jr., Chairman
Durwood Manford, Member
Lyndon Olson, Jr., Member
E. J. Voorhis, Commissioner
107th / 8-31-82 William P. Daves, Jr., Chairman
Durwood Manford, Member
Lyndon Olson, Jr., Member
Tom Bond, Commissioner
108th / 8-31-83 Lyndon L.Olson, Jr. Chairman
William P. Daves, Jr., Member
Carole Keeton Rylander, Member
Tom Bond, Commissioner
109th / 8-31-84 Lyndon L.Olson, Jr. Chairman
William P. Daves, Jr., Member
Carole Keeton Rylander, Member
Tom Bond, Commissioner
110th / 8-31-85 Lyndon L. Olson, Jr., Chairman
William P. Daves, Jr., Member
Carole Keeton Rylander, Member
Tom Bond, Commissioner
111th / 8-31-86 Lyndon L. Olson, Jr., Chairman
James L. Nelson, Member
David H. Thornberry, Member
Doyce R. Lee, Commissioner
112th / 8-31-87 Edwin J. Smith, Jr., Chairman
James L. Nelson, Member
David H. Thornberry, Member
Doyce R. Lee, Commissioner
113th / 8-31-88 Edwin J. Smith, Jr., Chairman
James L. Nelson, Member
David H. Thornberry, Member
A. W. Pogue, Acting Commissioner
114th / 8-31-89 Paul T. Wrotenberry, Chairman
Richard Reynolds, Member
Jo Ann Howard, Member
A. W. Pogue, Commissioner
115th / 8-31-90 James E. Saxon, Jr., Chairman
Richard Reynolds, Member
Jo Ann Howard, Member
A. W. Pogue, Commissioner
116th / 8-31-91 Claire Korioth, Chairman
Richard Reynolds, Member
Allene D. Evans, Member
Georgia D. Flint, Commissioner
117th / 8-31-92 Claire Korioth, Chairman
Richard Reynolds, Member
Allene D. Evans, Member
Georgia D. Flint, Commissioner
118th / 8-31-93 Claire Korioth, Chairman
Allene D. Evans, Member
Deece Eckstein, Member (replaced Paul Williams)
J. Robert Hunter, Commissioner (sworn in November 1993)
119th / 8/31/94 J. Robert Hunter, Commissioner
120th / 8/31/95 Elton Bomer, Commissioner (sworn in February 1995)
121st / 8/31/96 Elton Bomer, Commissioner
122nd / 8/31/97 Elton Bomer, Commissioner
123rd / 8/31/98 Elton Bomer, Commissioner
124th / 8/31/99 Jose Montemayor, Commissioner
125th / 8/31/00 Jose Montemayor, Commissioner
126th / 8/31/01 Jose Montemayor, Commissioner
127th / 8/31/02 Jose Montemayor, Commissioner
128th / 8/31/03 Jose Montemayor, Commissioner
129th / 8/31/04 Jose Montemayor, Commissioner
130th / 8/31/05 Mike Geeslin, Commissioner
131st / 8/31/06 Mike Geeslin, Commissioner
132nd / 8/31/07 Mike Geeslin, Commissioner
133rd / 8/31/08 Mike Geeslin, Commissioner
134th / 8/31/09

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Last updated: 06/15/2009

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