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Privacy And Security Policy

The Texas Facilities Commission (TFC) maintains this Web site as a public service. This policy describes TFC’s privacy and security practices regarding information collected from visitors to the site, including what information is collected and how that information is used. The policy applies to all pages beginning with

Please note that all information collected or maintained by TFC is subject to the provisions of the Texas Public Information Act (Chapter 552, Texas Government Code). The identity of most members of the public who communicate with state agencies through the Internet is confidential under Texas law. Exceptions to confidentiality may be reviewed at Texas Government code, Section 552.137.|

Use/Release of Information

Server Logs/Log Analysis Tools

TFC uses server logs and log analysis tools to create summary statistics about Web site usage to improve site management. The statistics are used for purposes such as assessing what information is of most interest to users, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas. TFC does not report or use this information in any manner that would reveal personally identifiable information, and does not release the information to any outside parties unless required to do so under applicable law.

The following information is collected for this analysis:

  • User/client hostname - Hostname (or IP address, if DNS is disabled) of the user/client requesting access.
  • HTTP header, "user-agent" - Type of browser used, the browser version, and the operating system it is running on.
  • HTTP header, "referer" - Page from which the user/client accessed the current page.
  • System date - Date and time of the user/client request.
  • Full request - Exact request the user/client made.
  • Status - Status code the server returned to the user/client.
  • Content length - Length, in bytes, of the document sent to the user/client.
  • Method - Request method used.
  • Uniform Resource Identifier (URI or URL) - Location of a resource on the server.
  • Query string of the URL - Anything after the question mark in a URL.
  • Protocol - Transport protocol and version used.

TFC monitors network traffic for site security purposes and to ensure that the site remains available to all users. Unauthorized attempts to upload information, change information on this site, or otherwise cause damage are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under Texas Penal Code Chapters 33 (Computer Crimes) or 33A (Telecommunications Crimes). Except as may be required for authorized law enforcement investigations, no attempts are made to identify individual users or their usage habits. TFC does not use raw data logs for any other purposes; however, it is possible that parts of raw data logs could be determined to be open records by the Office of the Attorney General. If such a determination were made subsequent to a Public Information Act request for the logs, TFC would be required to disclose parts of the logs deemed open by the Office of the Attorney General.


State agencies may not sell or release the e-mail addresses of most members of the public that have been provided to communicate electronically with a government body without the affirmative consent of the affected member of the public. Exemptions to this confidentiality may be reviewed at Texas Government Code, Section 552.137. Personally identifiable information contained in a question or comment sent to TFC in an e-mail message or submitted in an online form is only used by TFC to respond to the request and to analyze trends. TFC may redirect the message to another government agency or government employee who is in a better position to answer the question.

Web-Based Forms

TFC uses Web-based forms for such purposes as collecting survey results, providing online registration for some TFC-sponsored events, and providing online reporting of continuing education activities by Information Resources Managers. Personally identifiable information collected from Web-based forms has a specified use (for example, registration, survey response, etc.) and TFC uses the information only for that purpose. Each Web-based form contains a link to this privacy policy.
An individual who submits information in electronic format through this Web site is entitled, on request, to receive and review the information TFC collects about the individual, and to have TFC correct the information. To do this, please contact TFC at

Cookies and Web Bugs

The TFC Web site may use cookies to provide interactive pages, such as Web-based forms and surveys. TFC does not use cookies for other purposes. The TFC Web site does not use Web bugs (also called Web beacons or Clear GIFs) to track or report visitor information.

For Additional Information

Additional information regarding privacy and security policies is provided in the Privacy and Security Policy Guidelines at The U.S. Federal Trade Commission also provides information for educating consumers and businesses about the importance of personal information privacy at
If you have questions or comments about TFC's privacy and security policy, please send e-mail to or call TFC at (512) 463-3446.