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Join the AG's office

Ever thought about working for the Attorney General's office? Probably the first job you think of is an attorney. But it's not the only one at the agency — not by a long shot.

In fact, of the 4,000 employees at the Office of Attorney General, only about 600-700 are attorneys.

Whatever job you choose, you can know that you're contributing to an effort that makes a real difference in the lives of real Texans. Here's a rundown of some of the careers available at the OAG.

To see a list of current job postings, see the OAG Employment page.

Assistant Attorney General

When you get a job at the OAG as an attorney, you get the title of Assistant Attorney General (AAG). Depending on the division in which you work, AAGs do everything from writing legal opinions, to taking depositions, to representing state agencies in court, to defending the laws and Constitution of the State of Texas. Many new law graduates get jobs as AAGs because they often get to work on important issues before they would at a private law firm.


Investigators at the OAG collect evidence, perform undercover work, interview potential witnesses, conduct field investigations and other tasks to help determine whether Texas laws have been broken. This work assists the process of preparing a case for court. InvestigatorsInvestigators operate in several areas of the OAG, such as the Cyber Crimes and Fugitive units, the Consumer Protection and Public Health Division, the Child Support Division and Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.

Child Support Officer

If you want to be on the front lines of helping Texas children and families, then you should consider becoming a Child Support Officer. The OAG collects child support on behalf of children whose parents do not live together. Every day, Child Support Officers serve in a variety of ways, including: educating parents about the importance of establishing paternity for their children; conducting investigations to locate absent parents; assisting legal staff; and assessing child support cases to determine how best to ensure that the children are being financially supported by their parents.

Legal Secretary

Attorneys couldn't do their jobs without the help of a legal secretary. Among their many support duties, legal secretaries prepare and proofread legal documents; assemble exhibits and affidavits in preparation for court; interact with opposing attorneys; file documents with court clerks.

Computer Programmer

Like every other organization, the OAG needs programmers to design, construct and improve its massive and complex computer systems. At the OAG, programmers analyze requirements for proposed computer applications; design, code and test new programs; troubleshoot problems with existing systems; and assist in the training of less experienced programmers.

Volunteer or Intern

If you are thinking about what you want to do with your life, an internship or volunteering is a great way to get a feel for things. The OAG has many different opportunities for interns and volunteers. You generally need to be an undergraduate, graduate or law student to apply for an internship. Volunteers are citizens who wish to gain practical work experience, make a contribution to the agency, or provide public service.

To find out more about the Volunteer/Intern Program, see the OAG Web site: http://www.oag.state.tx.us/agency/jobs_interns.shtml

If you are already in college and are looking for an internship, check out our listings: http://www.volunteersolutions.org/austin/org/opp.tcl?agency_id=214123



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