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Dating violence

Dating violence is defined as a pattern of physical, sexual and emotional abuse used by one partner to gain power and control over the other partner. This is not a legal term; a number of offenses can be associated with dating violence.


Offenses associated with dating violence include assault, aggravated assault, kidnapping, aggravated kidnapping, sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault. Dating violence can escalate to include homicide.

Take Action
Texas Advocacy Project
The National Center for Victims of Crime:
Dating violence fact sheet
Dating violence brochure
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline: (866) 331-9474
National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-SAFE (7233)
If you are in immediate danger, call the police or dial 911.

Red Flags Poster graphicThe abuse may range from subtle to severe. Isolation and jealousy are two tactics almost all abusers use to gain control over their victims. The abuser may slowly alienate and isolate the victim from family and friends through harassment, threats or physical abuse.

Students Taking Action for Respect (STAR) is a growing community of more than 300 youth leaders who train, practice and present awareness, positive youth development and early awareness programming on sexual harassment and assault to their peers in schools and community groups.


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