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As of 04:16:45 PM PT:
Archive-It has collected
131,499,156 URLs for
272 public collections!

Attend the next Archive-It webinar on Tuesday, May 8 at 11:00am PDT!

Internet Archive's subscription service, Archive-It, allows institutions to build, manage and search their own web archive through a user friendly web application, without requiring any technical expertise or hosting facilities.

Subscribers can capture, catalog, and archive their institution's own web site or build collections from the web, and then search and browse the collection when complete.

Archive-It is designed to fit the needs of many types of organizations and individuals, including state archives, libraries, academic institutions, non profits, museums, historians, and independent researchers.

Featured Collections

Canadian Political Parties and Political Interest Groups
Canadian Political Parties and Political Interest Groups will archive the websites of all of the national Canadian political parties, and a number of special interest groups across the political spectrum.
Latin American Government Documents Archive, LAGDA
The Latin American Government Documents Archive (LAGDA) seeks to preserve and facilitate access to a wide range of ministerial and presidential documents from 18 Latin American and Caribbean countries. The Archive contains copies of the Web sites of approximately 300 government ministries and presidencies. Capture of sites began on multiple dates in 2005 and 2006, and will continue with regularly scheduled captures. Content in the Archive includes not only the full-text versions of official documents, but also original video and audio recordings of key regional leaders. Archive contents include thousands of annual and "state of the nation" reports; plans and programs; and speeches by presidents and government ministers. LAGDA is a joint project of the University of Texas Libraries, The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, and the Latin American Network Information Center at The University of Texas at Austin.