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Agencies to know about

Here is a list of state, federal, and local and agencies. Whether you are looking for a career, need services, or find yourself involved with one of these agencies, you can visit their websites to learn more.

Texas state agencies

The ATTORNEY GENERAL is the lawyer for the State of Texas and state agencies. The Attorney General protects the safety and welfare of Texans, especially children and families, seniors, victims of crime, and consumers. He also safeguards the public's right to an open and accessible government.

LogoThe TEXAS JUVENILE PROBATION COMMISSION works in partnership with local juvenile boards and juvenile probation departments to support and enhance juvenile probation services throughout the state. TJPC promotes prevention, early intervention, and rehabilitation of youthful offenders while maximizing family participation in an effort to reduce commitments to the Texas Youth Commission.

The TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY is the state law enforcement agency and home of the Texas Rangers. DPS issues driver's licenses, investigates crime and patrols Texas highways to maintain public safety.


LogoThe TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE manages adult offenders in state prisons, state jails and private correctional facilities that contract with TDCJ. The agency also provides funding and certain oversight of community supervision (previously known as adult probation) and is responsible for the supervision of offenders released from prison on parole or mandatory supervision.

LogoThe TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES is charged with protecting children, adults who are elderly or have disabilities living at home or in state facilities, and licensing group day-care homes, day-care centers, and registered family homes. FPS is also charged with managing community-based programs that prevent delinquency, abuse, neglect and exploitation of Texas children, elderly and disabled adults. FPS operates the Texas Youth Hotline and the Runaway Hotline.

LogoThe TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY provides leadership, guidance, and resources to help schools meet the educational needs of all students. TEA manages the textbook adoption process, oversees development of the statewide curriculum, rates school districts under the statewide accountability system, operates research and information programs, and serves as a fiscal agent for the distribution of state and federal funds.


The TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES promotes optimal health for individuals and communities while providing effective health, mental health and substance abuse services to Texans.

The TEXAS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE COMMISSION is the state regulatory agency covering all phases of the alcoholic beverage industry in the State of Texas. LogoThe duties of the Commission include regulating sales, taxation, importation, manufacturing, transporting, and advertising of alcoholic beverages.

A major responsibility of the TABC is to investigate, prevent, and curtail the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors. TABC enforcement officers conduct stings to identify retailers who sell to minors. They also plant undercover enforcement officers as clerks in retail establishments. This means that, if you are underage (under 21) and try to buy alcohol, the clerk you try to buy it from could be an officer who can arrest you. TABC also works to identify the source of alcohol involved in alcohol-related crashes that result in death or injury.The TABC offers a poster (pictured at right) about underage drinking.

Federal agencies

LogoThe FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumers. The FTC's website contains a wealth of information for victims of identity theft and other scams. It also offers warnings and alerts about fraudulent scholarship and job offers.

The US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION was created to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation. ED establishes policies on federal financial aid for education, distributing as well as monitoring those funds, collects data on America's schools, and ensures equal access to education. Also administers SMART GRants for students.

LogoThe mission of the US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE is to enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.

LogoThe US DRUG ENFORCEMENT AGENCY within the DOJ enforces the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States and brings to justice organizations involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances destined for illicit traffic in the United States. DEA also recommends and supports non-enforcement programs aimed at reducing the availability of illicit controlled substances on the domestic and international markets.


The FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, another agency within the DOJ, protects and defends the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats and enforces the criminal laws of the United States.


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