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A juvenile who is found to have committed Conduct Indicating a Need for Supervision (CINS) or delinquent behavior is considered "adjudicated." A juvenile is not found guilty of a crime, but is adjudicated.

Aggravated Assault

When a person causes serious bodily injury to the victim or uses or exhibits a deadly weapon during the commission of the assault.


The dollar value associated with crimes of theft, graffiti or criminal mischief may be added together raising the penalty level.


Deliberately starting a fire or causing an explosion with the intent to destroy or damage any property. Always a felony.

Assault by Contact

When a person intentionally or knowingly physically touches another knowing the victim will regard the contact as offensive or provocative.

Assault by Threat

When a person intentionally or knowingly threatens another with imminent bodily injury.

Assault with Bodily Injury

When a person intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another person. Bodily injury means physical pain, illness or any impairment of one's physical condition.


Entering a home, building, property or motor vehicle without the owner's permission with intent to commit another offense.

Capital Murder

Murder of a child under age six, a peace officer or firefighter, or murder committed in the course of committing or attempting to commit certain felonies. May result in the death penalty if the offender was an adult.

Community Service

This is a term or condition of probation or deferred prosecution requiring a juvenile to work for or repay the community for his or her crime.

Conduct Indicating a Need for Supervision (CINS)

An Offense for which a juvenile can be placed on probation or fined, but not incarcerated.

Criminally Negligent Homicide

Causing the death of an individual by criminal negligence.

Criminal Mischief

Deliberately damaging or destroying another's property.

Criminal Trespass

Entering the property of another without the owner's consent.

Deadly Conduct

Any reckless act that places another person in immediate danger of serious bodily injury.

Deferred Prosecution

Deferred prosecution is an alternative to a formal adjudication of CINS or delinquent conduct. It is similar to probation.

Delinquent Conduct

An act committed by a juvenile that can be punished by confinement. A juvenile is not found guilty, but is found to have committed Delinquent Conduct. This term only applies to juveniles.

Determinate Sentencing

This type of sentencing may result in a juvenile serving time beyond his or her 21st birthday. After serving a minimum length of stay as a juvenile, an offender may be transferred to an adult prison facility to complete the sentence.

Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP)

Every school district is required to provide a setting outside of the regular classroom for disruptive or dangerous students. The student will have schoolwork to do and will be held to stricter standards of conduct.


After a juvenile is adjudicated, a judge must decide what punishment, if any, is appropriate.

Dropout Prevention Programs

School programs to identify and assist students at risk of dropping out of school. Any student who feels he or she cannot handle staying in school should ask for help.

Excused Absence

An absence that has been approved by the school. A student may miss school for illness, family emergency or other good reasons.


Removal from the regular school setting (student is expelled) due to serious and persistent misbehavior in disciplinary alternative education or dangerous or illegal conduct.


A more serious offense, such as robbery, that may result in commitment to the Texas Youth Commission or certification as an adult.

Formal Removal (from class at school)

The teacher removes a student for disruptive behavior. The student cannot return to class without the teacher's consent, and the teacher or the campus discipline committee must agree that the student can control his or her negative behavior.


A loosely organized group of at least three people that commit crimes together. The Attorney General's website offers information about gangs, including an online brochure, Gangs and Community Response.


Permanent marking, painting, drawing, etching, engraving or scratching on property that has been made without the owner's permission.


Any act occurring on or off campus that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of gaining or maintaining entrance into a group.

Informal Removal (from class at school)

The teacher sends the student to the office, but the student may return to the classroom if the teacher agrees.

In-school Suspension

The student will have schoolwork to complete and will be held to strict behavior standards.


A person who is ten or older but under the age of seventeen.

Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program

Large counties provide an alternative educational setting for students who have been expelled from school or are placed their by court order.


Recklessly causing the death of another person.


Term that refers to anyone under 21 years of age when used in context of alcohol beverage issues and under 18 years of age when used in context of tobacco products.

Misrepresentation of Age

Lying about how old you are or presenting any document that indicates a different age.


Intentionally or knowingly causing the death of another person.

Parent Contributing to Non-Attendance

Criminal offense committed by a parent when he or she fails to require his or her child to go to school. If you skip school, you could get your parents in trouble.

Progressive sanctions

Progressive Sanctions are sentencing guidelines established in the juvenile justice code. For a juvenile, the severity of the sanction, or punishment, progresses each time the child commits another crime.

Reckless Damage or Destruction

Damage or destruction of someone else's property that is the result of carelessness.


Committing theft by force or threat of force.

Suspended Punishment

Sanctions are postponed until a juvenile has the opportunity to complete court ordered requirements.

Tampering With a Government Document

It is a crime for an individual to alter a governmental record. You could be charged with this offense for altering an ID to misrepresent your status (age) so you can obtain tobacco or alcohol.

Terroristic Threat

An action, statement or message that causes another person to fear that someone is going to commit violence to the other person or that person's family or property.


Unlawful taking of property with the intent of keeping it from the legal owner.


Three or more unexcused absences within a four week period and ten or more unexcused absences within a six month period.

Unexcused Absence

An absence that has not been approved by the school. If a student has too many absences, he or she could graduate late or be required to repeat a class.


Another term for a property crime that causes damage to or destruction of another person's property.

Crime & Justice

Trouble at School
Property Crime
Guns Gangs Murder
Juvenile or Adult
Types of Offenses
Words Defined
Hate Crimes


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