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The OAG offers a wide variety of publications. A complete listing can be found on the publications page of the main AG website. Teens might be especially interested in our juvenile justice publications and some of the handbooks dealing with children and families.

Juvenile justice publications

Gangs & Community Response

Gangs & Community Response
This brochure, which is available in English and Spanish, is designed to give direction to local community groups organizing to fight gang activity. It includes a list of state and national resources for information on gang culture and intervention and prevention measures.

Spanish version



Juvenile Justice Handbook


Juvenile Justice Handbook
Designed to explain the juvenile justice process and current law in Texas. This handbook is an excellent guide for anyone interested in our juvenile justice system.




School Crime and Discipline Handbook


School Crime and Discipline Handbook
This handbook discusses the intersection of the juvenile justice and school systems. Youth crime and school discipline laws from the Juvenile Justice and Education codes are examined, as well as the legal responsibilities of education professionals and parents.



Penal Code Offenses by Punishment Range

Penal Code Offenses by Punishment Range
This manual is a guide to punishments and enhancements in the Texas Penal Code, plus relevant sections of the Health and Safety Code, and the Transportation Code. It also provides a guide to the progressive sanctions guidelines from the Juvenile Justice Code.




Index of Juvenile Justice Attorney General's Opinions

Index of Juvenile Justice Attorney General's Opinions
A useful resource for law professionals,this index provides a user-friendly compilation of formal and letter opinions and open records decisions issued by the Attorney General's Office that affect juveniles.




Publications for families and children

Marriage Handbook


When You Get Married
A marriage handbook that provides information and ideas for couples preparing for marriage.





Maps for Dads


Maps for Dads
A guide to taking care of your new baby. This handbook fills you in on what to expect, how to cope, and how to navigate all the phases in your baby's developments. This booklet will help you develop the confidence and competence to truly enjoy your baby's first years.




For Our Children

For Our Children
This co-parenting guide will help you care for your children in a situation where you and the other parent are not living together. It will show you how to uphold your responsibilities and get along with your partner in a way that will be best for your child.





Handbook for Non-custodial Parents

Handbook for Non-Custodial Parents
Everything you need to know if you have a child with whom you do not live. A must-read for non-custodial parents.







Careers in Justice
Running Away
Crime Victim?
Dating Violence
Sexual Assault
Internet safety
Witness a crime?


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