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Be a leader after high school

Take charge and choose a career that you can be passionate about. Talk to your parents or a guidance counselor about what you need to do NOW to start preparing yourself to be a leader in your chosen field. Aim for nothing less!

If you are not giving it your all to make the grades, it's never too late (or too early) to start! If you are still in school, then think of your education as your job. Think about what kind of professional you want to be after high school and act the part: hardworking, focused, and out in front.

Cool jobCollege or a job?

After high school, you will choose to either go to college or get a job. If you can go to college, more careers will be open to you. Worried about money? Visit

Some of the best values for a teen who graduates from high school in Texas can be found in the state university systems. Both the University of Texas (UT) System and the Texas A & M System maintain multiple campuses, some with special focus and all offering a first-rate academic experience.

Take Action
Texas institutions of higher education and how to apply:

If you can't go to college directly from high school, you don't need to give up on the idea. A lot of people earn degrees after working and saving for a couple of years.

Community colleges are another option. They offer evening classes and welcome part-time students. Many students take basic classes at a community college, earn good grades, and then transfer their credits to a larger college or university to finish the four-year degree.

Cool jobs and how to get them

Here are some careers you could be thinking about. You have unique and valuable qualities as an individual. Put them to work!

Be a Leader

At school
On the town
In your community
After high school
Qualities of leaders
Meet your leaders
Designing games
Forensic science
Health care
Physical therapy
Space science
Sports medicine


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