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Need to get away from home?

You'll need to take into consideration that running away is an offense (a status offense). Plus, any person who hides or shelters a runaway may be charged with an offense called "Harboring a Runaway." This means that if you run away, anyone you ask to stay with could get in trouble. Or, if you shelter a runaway friend, your parents could get in trouble.

Depending on your reason for not wanting to live at home, you may be able to work out some kind of alternative or changes that will help you. This is best done by talking to your parents or a trusted relative or a counselor about the issues that concern you. Help is also available from the Texas Teen Hotline at (800) 210-2278.

Texas Teen Hotline (800) 210 2278
Texas Runaway Hotline (888) 580-HELP (4357)


Several things may happen to a juvenile who is caught running away.

  • The police may take the runaway home.
  • The police may hold the runaway until he or she is picked up by a parent or guardian.
  • A runaway may be held at a detention center until he or she can be picked up.
  • A juvenile court judge could place the runaway on probation.

RunawaySome of the most common reasons for wanting to get away from home are: fighting with parents or family, abuse and neglect at home, pregnancy, gang pressure, problems with a boyfriend or girlfriend, or problems (not necessarily yours!) with drug and/or alcohol use. Consider trying to get help with your specific reason for wanting to get away.

We recognize that you (or a friend you are concerned about) have a reason for wanting to get out, but Texas law says you can't just run away. Running away can make things even worse if you are caught and then brought back home. And however bad you may think things are at home, please understand that they can be a whole lot worse for a minor on the street.

big serious fact
We encourage you or your friend to call the Texas Teen Hotline at (800) 210 2278 for help with any issue or the Texas Runaway Hotline at (888) 580-HELP (4357) for help if you have already run away.


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