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Teens as parents

Parenthood is something that you and many or most of your friends will likely experience at one time or another in your lives — perhaps even unexpectedly or unintentionally. You will make a lot of decisions in the next few years, but few will be as important as the decisions you make about parenthood.


There's a lot to know about the rights and responsibilities of parenthood. If you father a child, can anybody prove it? If your parents are helping you with the baby, why do you need to apply for child support? How do you stop a baby from crying? What happens if you don't pay child support? The pages below will answer all these questions and more.

Parenthood is fun and rewarding, but it's also hard and expensive. You don't have to take our word for it. We've got some real teens who will tell you exactly what it has been like for them. And they will tell you to wait. Just listen to them.


Talk about it
Healthy relationships
Teens as parents
When it's scary
Dating Violence
What's a parent?
The legal father
What to expect
What it takes
Facts of life
Team parenting
Tips for parents


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