Come Work For Us

What is the Foster Adoptive Home Development (FAD) program?

As a licensed child-placing agency, CPS has its own foster homes and has a foster/adoptive home development (FAD) program. The program is responsible for recruiting, developing, verifying, monitoring, and supporting foster and adoptive homes that are licensed by DFPS.  While the FAD programs between regions may differ slightly in how they actually do business, the overall purpose and tasks that need to be completed are the same.

Sounds good, but what kinds of things will I really be doing?

  • Assists in the recruitment of foster and adoptive families.
  • Trains foster and adoptive parents on issues of caring for abused/neglected children and working with the child welfare system.
  • Verifies (licenses) and foster and adoptive families for children in DFPS conservatorship and those being placed through another state.  This includes tracking the requirements they must complete, completing home studies, and assessing if applicants are appropriate for being a verified foster or adoptive family.
  • Provides ongoing support and case management services to foster and adoptive parents.
  • Makes regular home visits to the foster or adoptive home to meet with the family in order to monitor and support the home.
  • Monitors the foster or adoptive home for compliance with Minimum Standards for Child-Placing Agencies.
  • Participates in the matching process where adoptive families are matched with children waiting for adoption.
  • Assists adoptive families with the adoption process and participation at the adoption consummation hearings and National Adoption Day.
  • In some cases, becomes the child’s caseworker after an adoptive placement is made in a DFPS adoptive family.
  • As needed, attends staffings, court hearings, or other meetings on children who are placed in foster or adoptive homes that are assigned to them.

What are the job qualifications?

To be a foster/adoptive home development worker you must have a 4-year bachelors degree, but it doesn’t have to be specifically in social work.  Prior CPS caseworker experience is preferred especially working with older youth transitioning from foster care to adult living.

What would my salary be?

This position may be filled at any level from a CPS Specialist II to a CPS Specialist IV.  The starting salary range is $2,689.43 to $3,029.64 per month and will be based on the qualifications of the selected applicant.

I think I could do this job, but will I get specifically trained on what to do?

YES!  You will have lots of great training before beginning your job. Though you will be doing visits to clients on your own you will have ongoing support from your co-workers and supervisor any time you need it. 

Are their opportunities for career advancement?

YES!  You will receive ongoing training to prepare you for career progression. There are various levels of certification. For more information about certification go to

Condition of Employment

Must possess and maintain a valid Texas Motor Vehicle Operator's License.  CPS will also request a Criminal Background Check and CPS History check on all applicants.