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Stephenville - Texas Music Education Primer

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Tarleton State University • Department of Fine Arts and Communications
Box T-0320
Stephenville, TX 76402
(254) 968-9245; (254) 968-9000; Fax (254) 968-9239
Dr. Teresa Davidian, Head of Fine Arts and Communications
Dr. Charles Rives, Director of Choral Studies
Mr. Jonathan Hooper, Director of Bands

Music Department Statistics
Year department established: 1898
Undergraduate students: 89
Graduate students:
Doctoral students:
Full-time professors: 9
Part-time instructors: 4
Student-Teacher ratio: 10:1
Undergraduate degree hours needed: 139,BM .129,BA
(within major: 65,BM.51, BA; within minor: NA)
Teaching certification: yes
Internship required: no
Recording facility: yes
Scholarships available: yes
Academic scholarships as well as the Froh Scholarship for those who excel in piano, civic award scholarships, and music scholarships in band, choir and other music organizations are available.
Scholarship coordinator and phone: Jonathan Hooper or Dr. Charles Rives at (254) 968-9245.

National Association of Schools of Music
Texas Association of Music Schools
Texas Music Educators Association

Tarleton State University offers two music degrees, a Bachelor of Music with teacher certification and a Bachelor of Arts. All music instruction takes place in the Clyde H. Wells Fine Arts Center with an auditorium (805 seats), theater (243 seats), large band and choir rehearsal halls, excellent practice rooms, and a recording studio. Also affiliated with the Texas Music Educators Conference, BMI, ASCAP, and NASM. Performance opportunities include the University Singers, Chamber Singers, Select Women's Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Chamber Winds, Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Piano Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble I&II, Marching Band, and Women's Ensemble. All music instruction takes place in the Clyde H. Wells Fine Arts Center with an auditorium (805 seats), theater (243 seats), large band and choir rehearsal halls, excellent practice rooms, and a 4-track and 8-track recording studio; contact Danice Pearson (254) 968-9639.

Overall enrollment: 8,845
Typical undergraduate tuition: $2,900 - 12 hours per semester