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Contracting with DFPS

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The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) contracts with a variety of vendors. The majority of organizations and/or individuals who provide services for our clients contract with DFPS directly, and some organizations/individuals provide goods and services through contracts to support the work of DFPS employees. Goods and services not directly related to our clients are purchased through the Health and Human Services Commission, Enterprise Contract and Procurement Services (ECPS).

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Client Services

DFPS purchases goods and services for Child Protective Services (CPS), Adult Protective Services (APS), and Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) clients. Goods and services for clients purchased by DFPS are provided by vendors under contract with the agency.

When CPS, APS, or PEI identifies a need for goods or services, DFPS solicits bids, applications, or proposals from vendors. Notice of all purchases exceeding $25,000 are posted on the Texas Procurement and Support Services Office's Electronic State Business Daily.

Examples of CPS services for which DFPS contracts for, that may be posted on the Electronic State Business Daily:

  • Residential services
  • Home assessment and study services
  • Parent and caregiver training
  • Counseling, Psychological and Psychiatric evaluations and testing, and diagnostic consultation
  • Preparation for Adult Living services
  • Adoption and Post-adoption services

Examples of APS services for which DFPS contracts for,  that may be posted on the Electronic State Business Daily:

  • Personal Assistance Care
  • Home Repair
  • Assisted Living
  • Heavy Cleaning

Examples of PEI services for which DFPS contracts for, that may be posted on the Electronic State Business Daily:

  • Community based child abuse/neglect prevention services
  • Community based juvenile delinquency prevention services

DFPS designates specific staff to perform the contracting functions essential to client services, including: planning for services, procurement, developing performance measures, contracting, contractmanagement, contract monitoring, and resolution of contracting issues.

Divisions responsible for contracting functions include:

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Contracting Opportunities for Client Services

Sign up for e-mail updatesThe Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is providing this Procurement Plan for Client Services as a courtesy for use by parties interested in learning about procurement and contracting opportunities with DFPS. The information provided in this Plan is not legally binding and is subject to change without notice at any time.  Please check back to this site frequently for any updates to this Plan.  Additionally, current procurement opportunities are posted on the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD). For specific ESBD instructions, see How to Find Funding Opportunities.

NEW: 9/25/09 Procurement Plan: Residential Child-Care Services

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Other Funding Opportunities

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) also procures services that may support DFPS programs. For more information, visit the HHSC Procurement Opportunities home page:

For other funding opportunities, visit:

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Administrative Purchases

DFPS works with the Enterprise Contract and Procurement Services (ECPS) division of HHSC and the Texas Procurement and Support Services Office regarding the purchase of goods and services not directly related to clients. These include goods such as hotel rental space, training, office supplies and janitorial services. Notice of all purchases exceeding $25,000 are posted on the Texas Procurement and Support Services Office's Electronic State Business Daily

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Information Technology (IT) Procurement

If you are an Information Technology (IT) vendor who would like to do business with DFPS, please visit the Texas Department of Information Resources website at and the Texas Procurement and Support Services Office's Catalog Information Systems Vendor Program (CISV).

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Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB)

In accordance with the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) adopted rules, DFPS shall make a good faith effort to utilize Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs) in contracts for construction, services, including professional and consulting services, and commodity contracts. For more information visit our HUB information section.

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