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School Safety


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When you are a witness to a crime at school

Have you ever been fearful or scared to report a crime on your campus? Campus Crime Stoppers programs can help make your school feel and BE safe. These programs provide a designated tips hotline where image of teensyou can anonymously report any illegal activities, weapons, violence or drugs at school.

  • It is a Class A misdemeanor to fail to immediately report a felony in which serious bodily injury or death may have occurred. If you know a violent crime has occurred, you must report it to the police.
  • It is a Class B misdemeanor for any person to interfere with any peace officer, including school district police officers, while performing his or her lawful duties.

In most cases, if a tip to Campus Crime Stoppers leads to an arrest, school suspension, recovery of a weapon or stolen property, the student reporting the tip becomes eligible for a cash reward. But more important than the money is the pride in taking an active role in making yourschool a safer place.

Report a bully

Take Action
Call 9-1-1. Tell a teacher. Tell a parent. Reporting crime is not "snitching." It's smart. It's cool to come forward. Does your school have a campus crime stoppers program? You can start one:

Are you being picked on, harassed, teased, or bullied at school? Know the law: What are your rights?

Bullying can be written, verbal, or physical. If you are being physically harmed, or your property is being damaged, or you have been made to fear harm or damage, you may be a victim of bullying. REPORT the bully. You don't have to suffer this kind of treatment.

Harassment means: threatening to harm or injure you. It also includes sexually intimidating conduct, damage to your property, subjecting you to physical confinement or restraint, or in any other way maliciously harming your physical or emotional health or safety. REPORT harrassment. If you see someone else being bullied or harrassed, REPORT what you see.

Did You Know?
You have the right to request a transfer. Your parent can request that you be transferred to another classroom or another campus. (§25.0341E.C.)


It's cool to come forward. Do you know who doesn't want you to be a snitch? A bully. A thief. A gangster. You don't have to live that way.



Careers in Justice
Running Away
Crime Victim?
Dating Violence
Sexual Assault
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Witness a crime?


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