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Using Filer

  1. Start the Filer by double-clicking the Filer icon. The initial screen, entitled CONTROL NUMBER is displayed and provides the user a choice to select whether the filing (a) Requires a new Control Number or (b) Belongs to an existing Control Number.

        If the user indicates that the filing belongs to an existing Control Number, the next screen, entitled ENTER CONTROL NUMBER is displayed. The user may enter the appropriate Control Number. A convenient drop-down list box retains recently used numbers. If the filing requires a new Control Number it will be assigned by PUC Staff and the ENTER CONTROL NUMBER screen is not displayed.

  2. The next screen is entitled PARTY FILING NAME. For convenience, the user is provided with a drop-down list of regulated utilities and other parties who frequently file at the Commission. If the party filing is not listed, the name may be entered directly into the text box.

  3. The next screen is FILING INFORMATION. A Filing Type may be selected from a drop-down list box containing the valid filing types. Space is also provided for a filing DESCRIPTION. This should be a complete description of the filing. This information will be reviewed by the PUC Filing Clerk on submission.


  4. The next screen is DOCUMENTS TO SUBMIT. Documents to be filed can be selected through a standard Windows interface that enables the user to choose files from any local or network drive and include them on a list of documents to submit. Documents can be selected from the displayed directories and added to the list by clicking the ADD button. As each document is added to the list, a dialog box entitled DOCUMENT PROPERTIES will appear displaying the file name and the file type, based on the standard extension of the file name. If the extension cannot be recognized by Filer, the user will be prompted to select a file type from a drop-down list box of preferred file types. The previous version of Filer displayed a dialog box to enter a LABEL for each file. Filer Version 1.02 will automatically assigns the existing name of the file to the LABEL.

  5. The next screen is TOTAL PAGE COUNT. Enter the total number of pages in the paper copy of the filing. The count should include the physical number of pages in the filing.

  6. Next is the screen SPECIFY ADDENDUM. Indicate here whether there are materials included with the paper copy for which there are no corresponding electronic files. These could be third party documents or other materials for which no electronic copy is available. This material should be placed at the end of the paper copy whenever possible, referenced in the preceding sections as addenda. This screen also requests the STARTING PAGE number in the paper copy on which the addenda begin.

  7. Next is the SUBMISSION METHOD screen. The user may choose to send the documents on 3.5" computer diskette(s) or directly over the Internet FTP. If diskette transfer is chosen, the number of diskettes required will be displayed. If Internet transfer is chosen, estimated file transfer times for various modem speeds will be displayed.

        NOTE: Starting with the DOCUMENTS TO SUBMIT screen, a random eight-character code appears in the upper left corner of the Filer interface. Labeled Tracking Code, this unique eight character string is used (1) to serve as a certain reference between the hard copy filing and the diskette, when the code appears on the diskette label, and (2) to provide the means for the PUC Filing Clerk to retrieve filings sent via Internet FTP.

  8. The next screen is entitled TRACKING SHEET and offers the choice to print a Tracking Sheet or not. Always print a sheet when submitting an electronic filing to the PUC. This sheet, containing the Tracking Code and a summary of the filing should accompany the hardcopy filing regardless of electronic file transmission method. Labeling diskettes with the Tracking Code will ensure that diskettes can be referenced to the hardcopy filing. The Tracking Code is absolutely necessary for the PUC Filing Clerk to retrieve filings sent via Internet FTP. Only one Tracking Sheet is required per filing, regardless of the number of paper copies filed. The Tracking Sheet is not retained after the filing process is complete.

  9. Next is the SUMMARY screen which summarizes all the information to be transferred to the PUC. The button in the lower right hand corner is now labeled FINISH.

  10. Click the FINISH button to complete the transfer. A confirmation of successful transfer will be displayed. Your electronic filing has been sent to the PUC for processing by the Filing Clerk using the PUC Interchange Check-in application.

Getting Help in Using the PUC Interchange

On-line help can be accessed when using the Filer by clicking the HELP button in the lower section of each Filer screen. For assistance using the PUC Filer or accessing electronic documents contact the PUC Help Desk at

Last Updated: 06/02/00