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Click HERE to see a complete list of the artists on this player.
Are you a musician looking for help with mental health or addiction recovery services? Call the SIMS Confidential Clinical Number: 512-494-1007. For emergencies, call the Travis County Help Line at (512) 472-HELP (472-4357) or the Suicide Hotline at 1-800-784-2433.
Friends of SIMS

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is an East Austin based art organization founded by Charles and James Ferraro in 2003. Since it’s inception GAT5 has organized and promoted a wide range of events showcasing a diverse group of artists in Austin and New York.

Latest News

SIMS on the Radio

Listen to Executive Director Tricia Forbes and Clinical Director Emily Rudenick talk about SIMS on 1530 ESPN Austin Radio’s Central Texas Weekly show

Click here to listen to the entire show.


Musicians Advisory Panel 2009

The SIMS Foundation’s Musicians Advisory Panel provides guidance to and leverages support for the organization as needed to help advance SIMS’ mission to provide access to and financial support for mental health and addiction recovery services for Austin-area musicians and their families.
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