Laws, Codes, and Statutes

Links to resources on the law, codes, and statutes of the State of Texas: the Texas Legislature Online's Bill Search, information on legislative process, the Texas Administrative Code, and Texas Statutes.


  • Bill Search

    With this feature, you can search for bills by author/sponsor, coauthor/cosponsor, bill number, committee, subjects, committee status, action taken, and related subjects.

  • The Legislative Process

    This site displays the sequential flow of a bill from the time it is introduced in the House of Representatives or Senate to final passage and transmittal to the Governor.

  • Texas Administrative Code

    The Texas Administrative Code is a compilation of all state agency rules in Texas. There are 16 titles in the TAC. Each title represents a category and relating agencies are assigned to the appropriate title.

  • Texas Statutes

    Texas Statutes is a statutory database. Based on past history, the statutes are updated with the changes enacted in the most recent legislative session by spring of the next year.