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TFC combats drought conditions with xeriscape work at R.E. Johnson Building

TFC combats drought conditions with xeriscape work at R.E. Johnson Building

Before & After Photos

Xer-i-scape: A landscaping method that employs drought-resistent or native plants in

an effort to conserve resources, especially water—while still being asthetically pleasing.

The current landscape re-design at the southwest corner of the R.E. Johnson (REJ) Building was recently undertaken for a couple of reasons: the previous landscaping and vegetation was becoming choked with weeds and some of the edge shrubs were beginning to show signs of die-off or root-rot. Additionally, many of the plants had suffered permanently from last summer’s draught conditions, and the increased stress from the late-afternoon reflective heat on the southwest corner of the building. These conditions led to such an increased water usage to try to maintain the plants was becoming wasteful.

In an effort to re-establish a more draught-tolerant planting bed, and at the same time attempt to install an ornamentally-themed "Southwest Garden" - contractors were solicited for design inputs which would answer the needs of this location's micro-climate, while still presenting an attractive appearance, and reducing water consumption - no small task.

Multiple contractors bid this project, and the winning bidder (Verdi), a local HUB contractor specializing in Landscape Design - answered the call and was chosen for its unique designs and affordable value. Verdi's Lead Landscaper, Lance Pearson,

arrived on-scene with plans for a "Xeriscape Garden" with ornamental draught-tolerant plants that are reminiscent of Desert Southwest gardens. The plans include boulder-lined beds, colorful perennials, as well as a number of large "specimen" plants.

Taking care to not be wasteful, many plants which were previously in place in the area, are being re-incorporated into the new design. Other plants that don't "fit" the new theme are being re-located to other locations. The only plants that are being removed

are those that have become weed-choked or are now past their life-cycle. The new planting scheme relies heavily on the xeriscape theme, which requires little watering, and only waters at the roots of the plants with a "trickle system" compared to

the wide-area lawn sprayers which leads to more wasteful evaporation.

The landscape project began in earnest with plant removal and garden bed preparation in the first week of December, and should soon be finished. Stop by and enjoy the view, it's bound to be a nice sunny/warm spot to take a break outside during the

cool winter months. Stop back by in the spring, as the plants begin to bloom, and should be an attractive focal point for the downtown office buildings.

Thanks go to Verdi for their attractive design, to Koy Livingston and the REJ tenants for input, to Roger Main and Clifton Johnson in the Grounds crew - and Jamie Barrington and Jeff Entner in FMD, for bringing this project together. Area employees will likely also notice some of the hard work on the recent improvements to the

Southeast Corner of the WB Travis building, where they've recently added a nice lush mulch bed, and will be installing picnic tables and benches for tenants to enjoy.

- Jeff Entner, TFC Facilities Services Manager, Custodial & Grounds