Offender Information

Links to sites with information on offenders in Texas: death row information, the Department of Justice Offender Information Search, the Department of Public Safety Criminal Record Search, Fugitive Watch, help for families of offenders, Texas' Ten Most Wanted fugitives, the Sex Offender Database, the Texas Council on Offenders with Mental Impairments, the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission, and the Texas Youth Commission.


  • Death Row Information

    Find several links such as offenders on death row, scheduled executions, facts, media, etc.

  • Department of Justice Offender Information Search

    Search for offenders through the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

  • Department of Public Safety Criminal Record Search

    The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has established this web site as the official Internet source for information about criminal convictions, deferred adjudication and sex offender registrations.

  • Fugitive Watch

    Link to wanted people and find contact information through the Office of the Inspector General, Investigations Division.

  • Help for Families of Offenders

    This information guide provides the public with a brief description of principal program areas.

  • Most Wanted

    View pictures and profile of Texas' Ten Top Wanted Fugitives.

  • Sex Offender Registration Information

    The official Internet source for Sex Offender Registration information,established by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). DPS maintainsfiles based on registration information submitted by criminal justiceagencies and represents a statewide source of information on sex offendersrequired by law to register.

  • Texas Council on Offenders with Mental Impairments

    This agency provides a formal structure for criminal justice, health and human service, and other affected organizations to communicate and coordinate on policy, legislative, and programmatic issues affecting offenders with special needs.

  • Texas Juvenile Probation Commission

    Find links on facility registry, open records, probation directory, service providers, and more...

  • Texas Youth Commission

    Find information on programs and facilities, new reports, prevention, research and data, and employment.