Export Assistance

Links to OOG International Business & Recruitment, the International Trade Administration, and Export.gov.


  • OOG International Business & Recruitment

    Assists various domestic and foreign entities to ensure that Texas companies are represented abroad.

  • International Trade Administration

    The International Trade Administration (ITA) is here to help your U.S. businesses participate fully in the growing global marketplace. Their goal is to provide practical information to help you select your markets and products, ensure that you have access to international markets as required by our trade agreements, and safeguard you from unfair competition from dumped and subsidized imports.

  • Export.gov

    The Export.gov Community is comprised of 19 federal agencies involved in opening foreign markets and promoting the export of U.S. products and services. These 19 federal agencies are known as the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC). The Export.gov website is the TPCC's gateway for the U.S. public to access a broad range of export assistance, export finance, and trade advocacy services.