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Careers in criminal justice

Interested in becoming an attorney? How about a law enforcement officer? Maybe working with victims is your thing.

The field of law enforcement and criminal justice offers many different opportunities to suit a range of interests. Some require a law degree, some don't. Whatever you choose, however, all of these careers provide an opportunity to really help people.

More careers in criminal justice:


Judges listen to both sides of a case and make decisions about which side is correct. Because of the many different kinds of cases and the sheer number that must be heard, there are different levels of judges and courts. A justice of the peace, for example, decides relatively minor matters. District judges handle more serious criminal and civil cases, many of which involve a jury trial.

The Court of Criminal Appeals has the final say in criminal cases, such as murder, assault or crimes as defined in the Texas Penal Code. The Texas Supreme Court, meanwhile, is the final authority in the state in civil matters. Civil cases involve disputes between two or more persons or businesses.

Attorney General Abbott was a judge before he was elected to his present office. To become a judge, you must first finish college and then get a degree from a law school. Typically, a person also works as an attorney before becoming a judge. For more information on judges, see:

Law enforcement officer

Whether you're interested in becoming a police officer, a state trooper or a federal officer, the field of law enforcement offers a wide array of exciting ways to protect and serve the public. As the term suggests, law enforcement officers Careers in law enforcementare tasked with making sure that the laws are followed and cracking down on those who break them. To find out more:



An attorney, or lawyer, is someone whose job it is to know the laws of a city, county, state or the nation. Attorneys advise others about what the law says and means, and often represent them in court. Because there are so many laws, an attorney typically focuses on a particular area, such as criminal or family law. To become an attorney, you must first finish college and then get a degree from a law school. For more information on attorneys:


A prosecutor is an attorney who represents the government in cases where someone is accused of committing a crime. Examples include a district attorney or a U.S. attorney. While the Office of the Attorney General primarily handles civil matters, it does employ prosecutors to handle some criminal cases. For more information on prosecutors:


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