Economic Information

Links to economic information, including the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the U.S. Department of Commerce: Economic Analysis, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas - Economic Data, the Texas Business and Industry Data Center (BIDC): Overview of the Texas Economy and Economy Resources, and Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA) sites for Local Sales Tax Allocations, the Texas economy, and Texas Economic Indicators.


  • Bureau of Economic Analysis

    The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, produces a wide range of regional, national, international, and industry economic statistics.

  • CPA: Local Sales Tax Allocations

    Obtain Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts’ (CPA) information through allocation historical summaries, MTA/CTD summaries, and special purpose district summaries.

  • Texas BIDC: Overview of the Texas Economy

    The Texas Business and Industry Center (BIDC) website’s Texas Economy overview is an ongoing review of the most recent statistical data about the state's economy and people. This review provides a brief analysis of economic and demographic trends, but more importantly, it is intended to serve as a one-stop gateway to timely economic data on the World Wide Web.

  • Texas BIDC: Economy Resources

    The Texas Business and Industry Data Center (BIDC) website provides data on Economic Resources.

  • CPA: Texas Economy

    Access the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts’ (CPA) Texas Economy website with statewide and regional reports, and more.

  • CPA: Texas Economic Indicators

    Access the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts' (CPA) list of Economic Indicators

  • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas - Economic Data

    Obtain Texas economic research from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' website.

  • U.S. Department of Commerce: Economic Analysis

    Link to the U.S. Department of Commerce’s economic analysis resources.