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Texas Music Industry Directory

The Texas Music Office discontinued publishing the Texas Music Industry Directory in 2006. All TMID content will continue being posted on EnjoyTexasMusic.com.

Texas Music Industry Directory PDF files

2006 TMID - Pages 1-14, 15-150, 151-237, 238-331, 332-432

2005 TMID - Pages 1-14, 15-150, 151-246, 247-344, 345-440

2003 TMID - featuring Franklin High School in El Paso, TX

2002 TMID - featuring Vidal M. Treviño School of Communications and Fine Arts in Laredo, TX

2001 TMID - featuring Houston High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Houston, TX

2000 TMID cover - featuring South Plains College Creative Arts Department in Levelland, TX

1999 TMID cover - featuring the Roma High School Mariachi in Roma, TX

1998 TMID cover - featuring Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Dallas, TX (currently unavailable)

Suggestions for using the online TMID:
Each company listed in the TMID is on our website in the Businesses A-Z section. As a courtesy to those agents, managers, etc. who get barraged with calls, please visit the company's website before calling to determine if they are appropriate for the style of music or type of market in which you're interested.


Please report any problems you may have in accessing this 448-page file via email: music@governor.state.tx.us.

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© 1995-2007, State of Texas, Office of the Governor, Texas Music Office
This is a reference website. No endorsement or quality judgement is implied. Unless noted, all information is provided by listee.