Industry Stats & Profiles

Links related to industry statistics and profiles, including the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Texas Business and Industry Data Center (BIDC): Industry Portfolio, and Texas Workforce Commission sites for Texas Industry Clusters, the Texas Industry Profiles Report, and Texas Industry Profiles.


  • Bureau of Economic Analysis

    The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, produces a wide range of economic statistics including some on industry.

  • Texas BIDC: Industry Portfolio

    The Texas Business and Industry Data Center (BIDC) website’s Industry Portfolio provides data on selected Texas industries including brief overviews, employment, establishments, wages, value added per employee, value of shipments, total capital investments, national rankings, exports and top export markets, industry trends, and top employers.

  • TWC: Texas Industry Clusters

    This TWC website consolidates materials on the Texas Industry Cluster initiative begun in 2004, including the six 2005 Texas Industry Cluster reports.

  • TWC: Texas Industry Profiles Report

    This TWC report provides one page profiles on many major Texas industries. The reports include industry descriptions, industry codes, employment trends, wage data, charts, and more.

  • Texas Business and Industry Data Center

    The Texas Business and Industry Data Center (BIDC) website provides data on selected Texas industries in the Texas Economy overview area and the A-Z subject listings (see Industry Clusters, Industry Portfolio, and search for individual industries).

  • TWC: Texas Industry Profiles

    The TWC’s Texas Industry Profile website provides industry-based information and regional analysis tools to assist local workforce and economic development professionals to better understand Texas regional industry structure and workforce dynamics.