
Links to information on boat safety in A Digest of the Texas Water Safety Act, the Tools for Schools Kid's Page, motorcycle safety, the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program, speed limits, Texas safety grants, and other public programs.


  • Boat Safety

    A Digest of the Texas Water Safety Act.

  • Electronic Grant Search

    As of April 1, 2007, the State of Texas is proud to present the eGrants website. Using the eGrants website, you can search for and view the details of competitive funding announcements available through dozens of Texas state agencies.

  • Kid's Traffic Safety Page

    Transportation and safety information and other fun safety related activities for kids.

  • Motorcycle Safety

    Read about Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month, general motorcycle safety information, online services and more...

  • Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program

    Safe Routes to School improves safety in and around school areas. Find out what types of projects are eligible, how to apply and more...

  • Speed Limits

    This site summarizes Texas State statutes related to speed.

  • Texas Safety Grants and Public Programs

    Obtain information on traffic safety grants and other traffic safety related topics.