Texas/Mexico Relations

Links to North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) sites, information about importing and exporting to Mexico, and programs for improving border security and initiatives by Texas that strengthen economic development with Mexico. Here are links to discussion forums on border issues and sites defining State government policy on Mexico/Texas relations and how to improve trade, travel and cultural relations. Links here also outline State and Federal government initiatives to attract capital to the region and create a stable, skilled and competitive workforce so small and medium businesses make long-term commitments to the region.


  • Border Security Plan for Texas

    To strengthen economic development, the Office of Border Initiatives works closely with local border economic development organizations and hosts quarterly advisory committee meetings.

  • International Business and Recruitment

    The State of Texas Mexico Office (STMO) is a branch of Texas Economic Development (TxED), which works to improve the state's economy by providing various services to Texas businesses and communities in order to be internationally competitive and by promoting Texas as a premier travel destination.

  • NAFTA Office

    Information including how to import and export, international organizations, universities, travel, embassy and consulates, newspapers, laws, and more...

  • Office of Secretary of State's Texas Border and Mexican Affairs Division

    One of the functions of the Secretary of State is to serve as the Governor's liaison for Texas Border and Mexican Affairs. In this capacity, the Secretary assists the Governor in addressing issues which involve our Texas-Mexico border and cross border affairs with Mexico.

  • Texas/Mexico Initiatives

    This initiative aims to attract capital investment to the border area, develop a competitive workforce ready for the challenges of a global market, and encourage the growth and retention of small and medium businesses.