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ACES (Adult and Community Education System)

ACES is a historical data base that was used for federal reporting from 1999 to 2004. ACES is no longer active and has been replaced with the TEAMS (Texas Educating Adults Management System). TEAMS is the current web-based management information system for adult education in Texas. The system is made up of data collected according state and federal definitions and is entered by local Adult Education providers who receive state and federal adult education funds. Adult education services are provided to persons beyond compulsory education (adults) who need adult basic education and do not have a high school diploma or need to learn to speak English. TEAMS produces adult education state and federal reports.

CIS (Communities In Schools)

Communities In Schools (CIS) is a stay-in-school program sponsored by the Texas Legislature. CIS uses a case management model to prevent dropouts, help students stay in school, successfully learn, and prepare for life.

CLEP (College-Level Examination Program)

The College-Level Examination Program, administered by the College Board, gives students the opportunity to receive college credit for what they already know by earning qualifying scores on any of 34 examinations.

CSTS (Charter Schools Tracking System)

The Charter Schools Tracking System (CSTS) is designed to collect and report information related to Charter Schools. TEA employees use the system to respond to inquiries, maintain and update information, generate accurate and up-to-date reports, and share information with other applications.

EEO (Equal Educational Opportunity)

The Equal Educational Opportunity Act of 1974 prohibits specific discriminatory conduct, including segregating students on the basis of race, color or national origin, and discrimination against faculty and staff. The EEOA also requires school districts to take action to overcome students' language barriers that impede equal participation in educational programs.

EMAT (Educational Materials Online)

A multipurpose web-based system that automates many of the processes involving the ordering, shipping, warehousing, redistribution and payment for state-adopted instructional materials requisitioned online by school districts and charter schools. Major users include textbook coordinators at school districts and charter schools, Agency instructional materials and accounts payable staff, publisher depositories, freight carriers and express delivery companies, braille and large type textbook producers and publishing company sales staff.

IB (International Baccalaureate)

The IB is a nonprofit educational foundation that offers three programs for students aged 3 to 19 to help develop the intellectual, personal, emotional and social skills needed to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world. Founded in 1968, IB currently works with 2,385 schools in 129 countries to develop and offer three challenging programs to more than 646,000 students aged 3 to 19 years.

LEA (Local Educational Agencies)

A public school district, open enrollment charter school or regional education service center.

MRT (Master Reading Teacher)

Master Reading Teachers teach reading and mentor other teachers as they meet the diverse reading needs of their students.

NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling)

The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), founded in 1937, is an organization of more than 10,000 secondary school counselors, independent counselors, college admission and financial aid officers, enrollment managers and organizations who guide students through the secondary-to- higher-education transition process.

NHR (National Honor Roll)

National Honor Roll is an organization that recognizes high school and middle school students for exceptional academic success. To be included, students must provide the National Honor Roll with detailed information about their accomplishments and extracurricular activities.

NHS (National Honor Society)

The National Honor Society (NHS) and National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) are national organizations established to recognize academic achievement, leadership, service and character in high school and middle level students.

NMSC (National Merit Scholarship Corporation)

Established in 1955, National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that conducts the National Merit® Scholarship Program and the National Achievement® Scholarship Program–annual competitions for recognition and college undergraduate scholarships.

OCR (Office for Civil Rights)

The Office for Civil Rights works to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation through enforcement of civil rights.

PBMS (Performance Based Monitoring System)

The Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System is an automated data system that reports annually on the performance of school districts and charter schools in selected program areas (bilingual education/English as a second language, career and technical education, special education, and certain Title programs under the No Child Left Behind Act).

PDF (Portable Document Format)

Invented by Adobe Systems, Portable Document Format (PDF) lets users capture and view information from almost any application and on any computer system.

PGA (Perkins Grant Application)

The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Grant is a federal grant administered by the Division of Formula Funding per the Perkins Act of 2006: PL 109-270. All districts are eligible to apply for these funds to support Career and Technology Education (CATE) programs.

Request for Proposals (RFP)

A competitive solicitation method used for highly technical or specialized services. It is generally used when there is no direct legal authority to acquire services exceeding $25,000.

Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

A competitive solicitation document requesting submittal of qualifications or specialized expertise in response to the scope of services required.

Request for Offer (RFO)

A solicitation for computer related products or services exceeding $5,000 requesting the submittal of an offer in response to the required scope of services, including a cost proposal.

Request for Information (RFI)

A general invitation to contractors requesting information for a potential future agency solicitation. The RFI is typically used as a research and information gathering tool for preparation of a solicitation.

Request for Application (RFA)

Document to apply for a grant. It is used usually used for school districts or open-enrollment charter schools grants.

SBEC (State Board for Educator Certification)

The State Board for Educator Certification provides certification testing for educators, investigates allegations of educator misconduct, assists colleges, universities and alternative programs in developing and implementing teacher certification training programs, and ensures the quality of these programs.

SBOE (State Board of Education)

Comprising 15 elected members from districts throughout the state, SBOE establishes policy and provides leadership for the Texas public school system. The board sets curriculum standards, determines passing scores for state-mandated assessment tests, and oversees the investment of the Permanent School Fund.

TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)

A federal program that provides financial and medical assistance to needy dependent children and the parents or relatives with whom they are living.

TEA (Texas Education Agency)

The Texas Education Agency provides leadership, guidance, and resources to help schools meet the educational needs of all students. Located in Austin, Texas, TEA is the administrative unit for primary and secondary public education. Under the leadership of the commissioner of education, the agency manages the textbook adoption process, oversees development of the statewide curriculum, administers the statewide assessment program, administers a data collection system on public school students, staff and finances, rates school districts under the statewide accountability system, operates research and information programs, monitors for compliance with federal guidelines and serves as a fiscal agent for the distribution of state and federal funds.

TEAMS (Texas Educating Adults Management System)

TEAMS (Texas Educating Adults Management System) is the current web-based management information system for adult education in Texas. The system is made up of data collected according state and federal definitions and is entered by local Adult Education providers who receive state and federal adult education funds. Adult education services are provided to persons beyond compulsory education (adults) who need adult basic education and do not have a high school diploma or need to learn to speak English. TEAMS produces adult education state and federal reports.

THECB (Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board)

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board was created by the Texas Legislature in 1965 to "provide leadership and coordination for the Texas higher education system to achieve excellence for the college education of Texas students." The Coordinating Board meets quarterly in Austin.

TSD (Texas School for the Deaf)

Texas School for the Deaf educates students who are deaf and hard of hearing and serves as a resource center on deafness for students, parents, professionals and others.

TSBVI (Texas School for the Visually Impaired)

The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) serves as a special public school in the continuum of statewide placements for students who have a visual impairment. It is also a statewide resource to parents of these children and professionals who serve them. Students, ages 6 through 21, who are blind, deafblind, or visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities, are eligible for consideration for services at TSBVI.

UIL (University Interscholastic League)

The University Interscholastic League was created by The University of Texas at Austin to provide educational extracurricular academic, athletic, and music contests. UIL organizes and supervises contests that assist in preparing students for citizenship.

WebER (Web Expenditure Reporting)

Web Expenditure Reporting is now referred to as Expenditure Reporting (ER). The Texas Education Agency (TEA) utilizes this Web-based expenditure reporting system for recipients of both formula and discretionary grants to submit requests for reimbursement. Users are able to access "real-time" information on the status of their payments and have access to comments TEA makes with regard to particular payments requests.