
Links related to Texas demographics, including the American Factfinder, the Texas Business and Industry Data Center (BIDC), the Population Finder, Texas population & projections , USA QuickFacts for Texas, and Uncle Sam's Reference Shelf.


  • American Factfinder

    The main online Census resource for searching datasets and locating information on population, housing, economic, and geographic data including tables, maps, links, and more.

  • Texas Business and Industry Data Center

    The Texas Business and Industry Data Center (BIDC) website offers demographic data in the Texas Economy overview, the MapRoom, and the A-Z subject listings for Population, Vital Statistics, Census offerings, and more.

  • Population Finder

    Find 2000 and 2004 Census data on the country, states, and cities, generate demographic Fact Sheets, link to Reference Maps, print or download Narrative Profiles reports, link to other Census resources, and more.

  • Texas Population & Projections

    The Texas State Data Center and Office of the State Demographer, in cooperation with a network of affiliates, functions as a focal point for the distribution of Census information for Texas.

  • USA QuickFacts for Texas

    The USA QuickFacts Census tables profile the nation, states, counties, and large cities and provide frequently requested information on population, race, housing, income, business, and more.

  • Uncle Sam's Reference Shelf

    Link to some of the U.S. government’s best online statistical resources, including the Statistical Abstract of the United States, State & County QuickFacts, MapStats, and more.