Texas education agency logo


The mission of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) is to provide leadership, guidance, and resources to help schools meet the educational needs of all students.

Note: The agency’s current mission statement is included on page 6 of the current strategic plan.


The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is comprised of the commissioner of education and agency staff. The TEA and the State Board of Education (SBOE) guide and monitor activities and programs related to public education in Texas. The SBOE consists of 15 elected members representing different regions of the state. One member is appointed chair by the governor.

Roles & Responsibilities

Located in Austin, Texas at 1701 N. Congress Ave., the TEA is the administrative unit for primary and secondary public education. Under the leadership of the commissioner of education, the TEA:

  • manages the textbook adoption process;
  • oversees development of the statewide curriculum;
  • administers the statewide assessment program;
  • administers a data collection system on public school students, staff, and finances;
  • rates school districts under the statewide accountability system;
  • operates research and information programs;
  • monitors for compliance with federal guidelines; and
  • serves as a fiscal agent for the distribution of state and federal funds.

The TEA operational costs are supported by both state and federal funds.

          Organizational Chart

Click here to view theTEA Check Register - Fiscal Year 2007.