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Oil Spill | Compliance | Maritime Affairs

The Maritime Affairs portion of the Facility and Maritime Affairs Compliance Program focuses on oil spill prevention and response for vessels that transit Texas state waters. General Land Office regulations focus primarily on contingency planning for response to vessel spills. The regulations, found in 31 TAC Chapter 19, Subchapter E apply to all vessels that have the capacity to carry greater than 10,000 gallons of oil as fuel or cargo. Subject vessels must have on file with the Texas General Land Office a Vessel Response Plan (VRP) or an IMO information sheet (whichever is applicable) prior to transiting Texas state waters.

OPA and IMO Vessels


  • Vessels that must prepare a VRP in accordance with Federal Regulations 33 CFR (OPA Vessels) Part 155 and vessels greater than 400 gross tons subject to IMO Convention (IMO Vessels) that are required to prepare a SOPEP pursuant to regulation 26 of Annex 1 of MARPOL 73/78, are required to be registered as per the following prior to entering Texas coastal waters.

  • OPA vessels include tankers and tank barges that are designed to carry oil as cargo.

  • IMO vessels include all cargo, passenger or other vessels that are greater than 400 gross tons.

Compliance and Enforcement

  • OPA vessel owners and operators are required to establish a vessel owner/operator account with the GLO prior to any vessel entering Texas coastal waters. Once established, the vessel owner/operator shall be provided with an account password. With the password, the account can be accessed via the GLO internet web site, and the information may be revised as necessary to comply with vessel regulations.

    The GLO maintains VRPs and a database of vessel information at the Austin, TX headquarters office. Headquarters and field staff have access to the database.

  • To establish an account with the GLO, submit Oil Spill form OS-004 to the Land Office via mail, fax, or e-mail to the following:

    Texas General Land Office
    Stephen F. Austin Bldg
    P.O. Box 12873
    Austin, TX 78711-2873
    Fax: (512) 475-1560


Both OPA and IMO vessels are required to have the required emergency response plans (OPA or SOPEP) on board the vessel at all times while operating in Texas coastal waters. Plans shall be approved by the appropriate authority and immediately available for review at any time.

OSPRA Vessels


  • OSPRA vessels are vessels that have the capacity to carry 10,000 gallons or more of oil as fuel or cargo, but do not fall under the OPA or IMO regulations.

  • The OSPRA vessel final rule was adopted on June 12, 1998. OSPRA vessels were required to be in compliance with the rule by September 1, 1998.

  • The rule applies to out-of-state and foreign vessels when in Texas waters, including commercial shrimp and fishing boats, tugboats, crew boats, offshore supply boats, recreational craft, public vessels, pilot boats, dredges, etc.

  • Spill response plans should be kept on board vessels at all times. If the person designated as the "Person in Charge" is shoreside, this person should also have a copy of the plan.

Compliance and Enforcement

  • OSPRA vessels owners and operators are not required to submit information to the GLO.

  • If a GLO response officer checks a vessel that qualifies as an OSPRA vessel and the vessel does not have a VRP, the vessel is non-compliant with OSPRA. If the vessel crew is not trained in use of the plan, the vessel is non-compliant with OSPRA.

  • GLO staff will provide information on the rule and assist in completing plans if necessary.

  • GLO can provide OSPRA spill prevention and response plans that can be used by vessel owners and operators to comply with the rule. The plans are written in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

  • All qualifying OSPRA vessels within a fleet shall have a VRP on board at all times.

  • Penalties may be assessed for non-compliance.

  • The GLO will keep a database of owners, operators, vessel names and compliance records.

  • If you are incorporating OSPRA vessels into existing U.S. Coast Guard approved OPA Vessel Response Plans (VRP) or Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans (SOPEP):

    1. The USCG will not review or approve those sections of your plan that apply to OSPRA vessels.

    2. If possible, incorporate OSPRA vessels in a separate section of the plan indicating that it applies to Texas legislation only.

Other Maritime Affairs Activities

  • The GLO is currently active in various maritime industry associations and work groups that meet on the local, regional and national levels to monitor industry trends and initiatives designed to improve spill prevention and response capabilities in the maritime industry.

  • The GLO conducts and participates in vessel spill exercises and drills to promote positive working relationships and to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of vessel response plans.

Contact Information

Please let us know what we can do to serve you better. Contact Peggy Spies if you have suggestions, comments, or questions about the maritime affairs portion of this web site.

Maritime Affairs Director (Austin)
Peggy Spies

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