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Maps, Data & Research

Geographic Information Systems Data
from the Texas General Land Office

All data are in the Geographic spatial projection (latitude/longitude decimal degrees) and are presented in ESRI Arc/Info coverage export file and/or ArcView shape file formats. Files are compressed using gzip or WinZip utilities (both can be uncompressed using WinZip). Shape files may be viewed using ESRI's free viewing software, ArcExplorer. For a sample image of each dataset, click on the thumbnail image next to the description of the dataset.

Base Map Data

sample image County Boundaries
Boundaries and names of the 254 Texas counties. Digital boundaries provided by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
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sample image Hydrography-General (1:24,000 scale)
Major water features (major streams, lakes, rivers, and bays) used in statewide mapping. Features extracted from Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) digital county map files.
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sample image Hydrography-General (1:2,000,000 scale)
Major water features used in statewide mapping. Edited version of U.S. Geological Survey dataset.
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sample image Hydrography-Detailed (1:24,000 scale)
Complete water features (all streams, lakes, rivers, and bays) in Texas. Features extracted from Texas Dept. of Transportation (TxDOT) digital county map files. In separate arc and polygon files. NOTE: This is a large dataset.
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sample image Hydrography-Coastal (1:24,000 scale)
Water features (streams, lakes, rivers, and bays) in the coastal counties of Texas compiled from various sources. NOTE: This is a large dataset.
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sample image Place Names (1:750,000 scale)
Names of major cities, towns, rivers, and lakes in Texas. Suitable for statewide maps.
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Place Names - Populated Places
Names and population of all cities and towns in Texas. Suitable for mapping at various scales.

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sample image Place Names - Complete
Names of other geographic features in Texas, including landforms, buildings, ranches, and other landmarks. Suitable for mapping at various scales.
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sample image Railroads
Railroad network for entire state at 1:24,000 scale. From (TxDOT) digital county map series files.
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sample image Roads/Highways (USDOT)
State and federal highways in Texas mapped at 1:24,000 scale. Data from the U.S. Dept. of Transportation (USDOT).
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sample image Shoreline (NOAA)
Texas Gulf Coast shoreline data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). An older version at 1:80,000 scale is also available.


sample image State Submerged Lands
State-owned tracts in offshore waters and coastal bays. These tracts are owned and leased by the GLO.
sample image Topography
Topography (shaded relief) in Arc/Info GRID format. Derived from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1:250,000-scale digital elevation model data. NOTE: This is a large dataset.
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sample image Urban Areas
Boundaries of urbanized areas in the state of Texas at 1:24,000 scale.
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Statewide Data

sample image City Limits
Boundaries of municipalities in Texas. Compiled from TxDOT digital county map files.
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sample image Ecological Regions (TPWD)
Geographic regions of Texas based on ecological and cultural factors; data provided by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD).
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Geologic Atlas of Texas
Formations, faults and other features digitized from the Geologic Atlas of Texas map series by the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG
). To request data, please contact TNRIS

sample image National Parks
National Park Service (NPS) areas; data provided by the NPS.
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sample image Rainfall
Average annual rainfall for all areas of Texas; data provided by Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).
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sample image SSURGO Soils Data
Digital SSURGO soils data available for selected Texas counties. Data provided by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). To request data, please
contact TNRIS
sample image State Parks/Wildlife Management Areas (TPWD)
Boundaries of state parks and wildlife management areas owned or managed by the TPWD. Data provided by TPWD.
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sample image Vegetation Types (TPWD)
Vegetation types occurring in Texas mapped by McMahan et al. (1987) and digitized by TPWD personnel.
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sample image Roads/Highways (TxDOT)
TxDOT roads, streets and street types for all Texasl counties. Extracted from TxDOT digital county map files.
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Energy Resource Data

sample image Oil & Gas Leases
Oil and gas leases located in the submerged areas of the Texas Gulf Coast.
sample image Oil & Gas Lease Sale Nominations
Nominations for the upcoming oil/gas sealed bid lease sale (tracts located in bays and the Gulf of Mexico). This dataset is updated one month prior to each lease sale.
sample image Oil & Gas Pooling Agreements/Units
Oil and gas pooling agreements located in the submerged areas of the Texas Gulf Coast.
  For more information about these data layers, please contact Alex Sanders of the GLO's Energy Resources Division.    

Professional Services Data

sample image Coastal Leases (Point Locations)
Locations of structures and activities permitted by the GLO within state-owned land and waters. Includes features represented by a single point location, such as piers, docks, breakwaters, and shoreline protection projects.
sample image Coastal Leases (Polygonal Areas)
Locations of structures and activities permitted by the GLO within state-owned land and waters. Includes areal features such as dredging areas, parks, mitigation projects, and conservation easements.
sample image Pipelines and Miscellaneous Easements
Pipelines located in state-owned submerged lands and other areas along the Texas Gulf Coast.

Oil Spill/Coastal Response Data

sample image Anchorage Areas
Offshore anchorage areas. Digitized from NOAA maps.
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sample image Aquaculture Facilities
Locations of aquaculture operations on the Texas coast (incomplete).
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sample image Audubon Sanctuaries
Coastal tracts containing waterbird colonies leased to the National Audubon Society.
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sample image Bathymetry
Bathymetric data for Texas bays and offshore waters. Locations generated from latitude/ longitude coordinates provided by NOAA. Data may not be current and are not to be used for navigation.
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sample image Bathymetry (6-foot Depth)
Areas of Texas bays and offshore waters greater than 6 feet in depth.
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sample image Beach Access Points
Public beach access points. Mapped by the GLO in cooperation with coastal towns and counties.
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sample image Boat Ramps
Locations of public boat ramps on the Texas coast. Information compiled by the TPWD Coastal Fisheries Division.
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sample image City and County Parks
Selected city and county parks on the coast. Compiled from TxDOT digital county map files.
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sample image Colonial Waterbird Rookery Areas
Locations of waterbird rookery sites in the coastal counties of Texas. Information compiled by the Texas Colonial Waterbird Society.
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Dispersant Use Pre-Approval Zone
Boundaries of pre-approved area for use of dispersant in oil spill response. Boundaries were created by combining the 10-meter offshore bathymetric contour and the three nautical mile line. The boundary follows whichever line is farthest offshore. Data are not to be used for navigation or for mapping at large scales.

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sample image Environmental Sensitivity Index Shoreline
Shoreline of Texas with Environmental Sensitivity Index classification (sensitivity of shoreline habitats to oil contamination and removal). Classification conducted by the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.
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sample image Gulf Intracoastal Waterway/Ship Channels
Dredged shipping channels in coastal waters. Digitized from engineering maps provided by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
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sample image Heliports
Heliport facilities in coastal counties. Locations provided by the TxDOT Aviation Division.
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sample image In-Situ Burn Exclusion Areas
Areas designated by the Oil Spill Regional Response Team VI where in-situ burns are prohibited.
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sample image Marinas
Public (and some private) marinas on the Texas coast.
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sample image National Marine Sanctuary
Boundary of Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. Digitized from 1:240,000-scale NOAA maps.
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sample image National Wildlife Refuges
Approximate boundaries of national wildlife refuge lands. Digitized from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) maps.
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sample image Offshore Lease Blocks
Boundaries of lease blocks in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf Region. Data provided by the U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS).
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Offshore Oil/Gas Platforms
Oil/gas platforms in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Data provided by the U.S. Minerals Management Service.

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sample image Oyster Reefs (Galveston Bay System)
Oyster reef distribution in the Galveston Bay system. Mapped using pole sampling by Dr. Eric Powell of Texas A&M University for the Galveston Bay Estuary Program.
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sample image Oyster Reefs (San Antonio Bay System)
Oysters reefs mapped by the TPWD Coastal Fisheries Division in the San Antonio Bay System.
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sample image Place Names (1:24,000 scale)
USGS Geographic Names annotation edited for display on 1:24,000-scale maps of coastal counties.
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sample image Priority Protection Habitat Areas
Priority coastal habitat areas to be protected during oil or hazardous material spills on the Texas coast. Areas were identified and prioritized by TPWD and GLO personnel in cooperation with other entities.
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sample image Shipping Safety Fairways
Shipping safety fairways in the western Gulf of Mexico. Digitized from NOAA maps.
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sample image Species/Habitats
Coastal distribution of animals, plants and habitats potentially at risk from oil spill damage or response activities. Mapped as part of a joint project involving GLO, TPWD and other entities.
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sample image State Coastal Preserves
GLO/TPWD coastal preserve areas; digitized from state tract maps.
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sample image Three Marine League Line
The boundary between state and federal jurisdiction located three marine leagues (approx. 10 miles) offshore in the Gulf of Mexico.
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sample image Three Nautical Mile Line
Line of demarcation three nautical miles offshore of the Texas coast in the Gulf of Mexico.
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sample image U.S. Coast Guard Stations
Locations of USCG facilities on the Texas coast.
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sample image Washover Areas
Beach washover areas mapped by the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.
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Coastal Management Program Data

sample image Coastal Barrier Resource System
Undeveloped coastal barrier islands mapped by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
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sample image Coastal Management Zone Boundary
Inland extent of areas subject to regulation under the Texas Coastal Management Program.
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sample image Critical Erosion Areas
Rapidly eroding shorelines along the Texas Gulf Coast, determined from shoreline erosion data collected by the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology.
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sample image Dredged Material Placement Sites
Areas designated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for placement of spoil from dredging of ship channels and the Intracoastal Waterway.
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sample image Hard Substrate Reefs (Baffin Bay/Laguna Madre)
Locations of hard bottom communities in coastal bays (Baffin Bay and adjacent Laguna Madre only). Digitized from NOAA nautical charts.
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sample image Land Use/Land Cover Imagery
Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery classified by land cover and vegetation types available for coastal Texas counties.
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sample image National Register of Historic Places
Historic structures and sites listed in the National Register of Historic Places located in coastal counties of Texas.
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sample image National Wetlands Inventory Data
Wetland/ land cover data mapped by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). Data classified from 1992-93 aerial photography by the USFWS. Historical data (pre-1992) available by request for some areas.
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sample image Navigation Districts
Boundaries of land and coastal bay areas owned by navigation districts.
sample image Seagrass Areas
Seagrass beds compiled from TPWD sample data (Redfish, Aransas and Corpus Christi Bays) and areas of submerged vegetation mapped by the USFWS National Wetland Inventory. May not depict all seagrass areas on the Texas coast.
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sample image State Tracts with Resource Management Codes
State-owned tracts in offshore waters and coastal bays, with codes added that reflect restrictions and concerns associated with leasing of these tracts.
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sample image Waters of the Open Gulf of Mexico
State-owned area of the open Gulf of Mexico.
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sample image Waters Under Tidal Influence
Coastal bays and riverine estuaries within limit of tidal influence. Derived from submerged lands dataset combined with TCEQ designated stream segments. Useful only at small map scales.To request data, please
contact TCEQ
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For other GIS-related data please visit the GLO's Natural Resources Inventory data page or the home page of the Texas Natural Resources Information System, the state's clearinghouse and referral center for natural resource data.

For more information, contact Robert Barron.
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