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Welcome to the Texas Cancer Registry

Texas Cancer Registry - The SOURCE for cancer data in Texas. Use Our Web Query Tool

The Texas Cancer Registry (TCR) is a statewide population-based registry that serves as the foundation for measuring the Texas cancer burden, comprehensive cancer control efforts, health disparities, progress in prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, as well as supports a wide variety of cancer-related research. These priorities cannot be adequately addressed in public health, academic institutions, or the private sector without timely, complete, and accurate cancer data.

The TCR is the 4th largest cancer registry in the United States, and currently meets the National Program of Central Cancer Registries, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention high quality data standards and is Gold Certified by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries.

The ultimate goal and purpose of the TCR is to collect, maintain, and disseminate the highest quality cancer data that will contribute towards cancer prevention and control, improving diagnoses, treatment, survival, and quality of life for all cancer patients.

Learn more about the Texas Cancer Registry

How Texas Cancer Data Are Being Used (.pdf, 133 KB)

Advisory Committee to the Texas Cancer Registry

Recognition of TCR Funding Sources
View Funding Sources

Recent Additions

Visit the Statistical Data section.
Statistical Data

Visit the Training / Webinars section.

Visit the Cancer Cluster Information section.
Cancer Clusters
Visit the Publications section.
Timely Reporting Calendar
2008, 2009

Contact TCR

Last Updated October 5, 2009

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