About Public Hearings & Meetings

Public Hearings

  • More formal than a public meeting.
  • Held before a decision is made.
  • Designed to gather comments from all interested parties as public record and input into decisions.
  • An official hearing officer is required. This person acts as an agency representative and helps disseminate information.

Public Meetings

  • Held throughout the planning process.
  • Intended to gather input from community residents or groups
  • Can be formal or informal.
  • Are tailored to specific issues or community organizations.
  • Meetings can have a specific focus. They can focus on particular groups, such as neighborhood organizations or businesses.

Open House

  • A type of public meeting that is similar to a transportation fair.
  • It can feature presentations, slide shows and one-on-one discussions between community residents and agency staff.
  • Information is presented buffet style.
  • Attendees may drop in at their convenience.