Welcome to Texas eGrants Search!

As of April 1st, 2007, the State of Texas is proud to present the eGrants website. Using the eGrants website, you can search for and view the details of competitive funding announcements available through dozens of Texas state agencies.

Enter Search Criteria

Please enter search criteria below. Search options include:

  • Wild card search using * (e.g., "787*" would match any keyword starting with 787)
  • Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT
  • Hold down the Control key (Ctrl) to select multiple entries
  • Hold down the Control key (Ctrl) to select multiple entries
  • Show Expired Postings?:

NOTE: To find grant opportunities initiated before April 1, 2007, please visit the appropriate state agency website. If you are looking for personal financial assistance such as Social Security/Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid or State Social Services, you can find help at www.GovBenefits.gov. This type of individual assistance is not available on this website. If you are interested in student loans, please go to www.Studentaid.ed.gov. If you are a small business owner seeking a loan, please visit the Small Business Administration.