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Technology Applications Curriculum

Curriculum Requirements

Technology Applications curriculum requirements are specified in Texas Education Code (TEC) §28.002 with specific requirements for Elementary, Middle, and High School in 19 TAC Chapter 74, Subchapter A. This curriculum focuses on the teaching, learning, and integration of digital technology skills across the curriculum. Districts must ensure that sufficient time is provided for teachers to teach and for students to learn the essential knowledge and skills in technology applications for Grades K-12. The state’s required Technology Applications curriculum provides a vertical look at what is expected for students K-12. Technology Applications is the enrichment curriculum that defines the technology literacy and integration requirements for students and teachers specified in No Child Left Behind, Title II, Part D and addresses the recommendations in the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology 1996-2010.

Digital technology literacy standards are specified through Technology Applications Prekindergarten guidelines and Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Grades K-12 in 19 TAC Chapter 126. There are benchmarks at Grades 2, 5, and 8. These standards are to be integrated throughout the curriculum in grades K-8 and expanded through specialized, focused courses in Grades 9-12. The Technology Applications TEKS are not to be taught in isolation; rather, they are an integral part of every classroom’s use of technology. In the standards in the core curriculum areas of English Language Arts and Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies, there are references to the use of technology throughout the standards. The importance of students meeting the technology literacy benchmarks for acquiring and integrating the Technology Applications TEKS across the curriculum are paramount in leading to success in meeting the curriculum goals for Texas students and meeting the requirements of No Child Left Behind, Title II, Part D for technology literacy and integration.

Technology Applications Impacts All Students and Teachers

Technology Applications Impacts All School Librarians

  • School Library guidelines including many references to teaching Technology Applications TEKS (information literacy and integration of technology across the curriculum)

Enrichment Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) Required

SB 815 was passed during the 78th Legislative Regular Session in 2003 and signed into law by Governor Rick Perry. SB 815 mandates, as a matter of accreditation, that school districts use the TEKS when teaching all of the required curriculum (foundation and enrichment content areas). Prior to the passage of SB 815, the TEKS were required for the foundation content areas of English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies; but were simply "guidelines" for the enrichment content areas including technology applications. This legislation is now reflected in Section 28.002(c) of the Texas Education Code (TEC) and in TAC 74.1(b), Subchapter A. Frequently Asked Questions on 19 TAC Chapter 74 Amendments-Senate Bill 815 are found on the Curriculum Website.

Chapter 74, Curriculum Requirements for Technology Applications Courses, Grades 9-12

Districts must offer at least four of the Technology Applications courses in 19 TAC Chapter 126. This clarification made in 19 TAC Chapter 74, Subchapter A became effective September 1, 2001. There are multiple avenues of offering the Technology Applications courses including distance learning. Many schools have taken advantage of dual credit/concurrent enrollment in colleges and universities to provide instruction in the courses. The results of these efforts have been to make it possible to teach the Technology Applications courses when it may not have been possible in other ways, especially for small, rural schools.

Technology Applications course credit may be satisfied through the provisions of Chapter 74, Subchapter C, Options:

  • §74.23 of this title (relating to Correspondence Courses and Distance Learning)
  • §74.24 of this title (relating to Credit by Examination)
  • §74.26 of (relating to Award of Credit)

Technology Applications Graduation Credit

All high school graduates are required to have one technology application graduation credit under all graduation plans. Students who take any of the eight courses in Technology Applications TEKS, Chapter 126 receive this credit. In addition, there are courses in Career and Technology Education that students can take to earn this credit. Requirements are found in 19 TAC Chapter 74:

Links to additional information is found at the Technology Applications Graduation Credit Website.

Contact the Curriculum Division with any questions you may have.
Copyright Notice
This page last updated December 12, 2008

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