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Table of Contents

Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V

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Presentation on "Texas School Libraries"


Prepared by: Ester G. Smith, Ph.D., EGS Research & Consulting

Prepared for: Texas State Library and Archives Commission

April 2001

EGS Research & Consulting

For more information, please contact Youth Services Consultant, Christine McNew at christine.mcnew@tsl.state.tx.us

A bound paper copy of the report may be purchased from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The purchase price for a single copy is $12.00 plus $1.35 postage. Purchase requests may be sent to Anne Ramos via e-mail. Send requests to anne.ramos@tsl.state.tx.us. If purchase of the study is desired, prepayment is optional. Interested persons may prepay by check in the amount of $13.35 per copy, or may request copies and receive them together with an invoice. If a check is included with an order, please mail to: Attn: Accounting, Texas State Library and Archives Commission, P. O. Box 12516, Austin, TX 78711.

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