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Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor Program

Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor Program


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Senate Bill 155 Signed by the Governor

Senate Bill 155, relating to the licensing and regulation of chemical dependency counselors in Texas, was enacted by the 80 th Texas Legislature and signed by Governor Rick Perry on June 15, 2007. The bill amends Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 504, which is the law that regulates the practice of chemical dependency counseling in Texas.

Click here to review the bill’s history, text, and action from the Texas Legislature Online website.


The Department of State Health Services is beginning the process of gathering stakeholder input for revisions to the LCDC rules, 25 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 450, in order to implement the measures included in Senate Bill 155. You may download a copy of the current rules by clicking the “Rules/Regulations” link in the box to the right.

Comments and recommendations may be submitted to the LCDC Program, Professional Licensing and Certification Unit, Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756, or by email to lcdc@dshs.state.tx.us. Please indicate "Comments on Proposed Rules" in the e-mail subject line. Please forward any comments/recommendations to the Department as soon as possible, or by August 17, 2007.  

Please bear in mind that this is currently an informal process, and that there will be several opportunities to make more informal comments, as well as formal comments at a later time.   Please check this website for updates to this process.

Download or print a copy of the LCDC Program Rules, 25 TAC, Chapter 450


View the current rules on the State of Texas web site

Title 25 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 450


Last Updated July 18, 2007

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