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The Texas School Readiness Certification System (SRCS) evaluates the effectiveness of prekindergarten, Head Start and Early Head Start, and community-based child care programs in preparing children for kindergarten. The SRCS was adopted by the P-16 Council in 2006.

  • Web-based system for early childhood education programs to submit information for certification as Texas School Ready!™
  • Research-based and fully integrated with PEIMS data information
  • Certification based on linking:
    • Quality instructional practices that prepare students for kindergarten
    • Student-level data collected at the prekindergarten and kindergarten level
    • Only early childhood quality rating system in the country linking prekindergarten activities in public school, Head Start, and community-based child care programs to kindergarten outcomes at the student level


  • Not a grant program, however; District prekindergarten, child care (for-profit and nonprofit), and Head Start programs that are part of the Prekindergarten Early Start and TEEM grant programs are required to enter data into the certification system

Funding Status:

  • 2008-2009 school year: $5.6 million

Laws and Rules:

  • 80th Texas Legislature (2007), HB 1, General Appropriations Act, Rider 47, Pre-kindergarten Early Start Grant Program


