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Reports Contracted by TWDB

The reports below are listed in chronological order. All reports are pdf unless otherwise indicated. To do a simple search on any of the fields in this table, press Ctrl F on your keyboard and type in your search text. For more details on this Internet Explore function, go to the Find help file (pdf). If you have trouble downloading these reports, (some of them are quite large) please contact TWDB communications for help. Some reports have accompanying datasets too large to post online, but to request a copy of data on CD or DVD, please email the contract administrator.

Contract Number
Report Title Date
Groundwater Availability Models (GAMs) for major aquifers in Texas are available here.
Click the map to access reports for your area of interest.
Region B, Wichita County Water Improvement District Water Conservation Implementation Plan Note: data and GIS files are available separately on CD. 2009

Region C, Region-Specific Studies
Note: special studies and backup files are available separately on CD.

Region D, Northeast Texas Region-Specific Studies
Sub-Regional Water Supply Master Plans | Brackish Groundwater Study
Note: maps and data are available separately on CD.
Region F, Region-Specific Studies
Note: documents and data files are available separately on 2 DVDs
Region G, Region-Specific Studies (5 studies)
Note: documents and data files are available separately on DVD
Region H, Region-Specific Studies (3 reports)
Note: data files are online.
Region I, Region-Specific Studies (5 reports)
Note: data are available separately on CD.
Region K, 2011 Regional Water Plan for the Lower Colorado Regional Water Planning Group (3 studies) Note: data, models, and analysis are available separately on CD. 2009
Region L, 2011 Regional Water Plan (5 studies) Region-Specific Studies 2009
Region N, Coastal Bend 2011 Regional Water Plan Region-Specific Studies
Note: Project files are available separately on CD.
Region O Llano Estacado Regional Water Planning Group 2011 Regional Water Plan
Phase 1 Report Note: documents and data files are available separately on CD.
Region P, Lavaca Regional Water Planning Group Agricultural Water Demands Analysis 2009
Fluvial Focal Species Summary Report for the Sabine/Neches BBEST
Ecological Information to Support Environmental Flow Recommendations
Estuarine Focal Species Summary Report for the Sabine/Neches BBEST
Ecological Information to Support Environmental Flow Recommendations
Groundwater Recharge in the Central High Plains of Texas: Roberts and Hemphill Counties 2009
Big Fossil Creek Watershed Interim Information Report 2009
Texas Hydrologic Information System 2009
Drought Management in the Texas Regional and State Water Planning Process 2009
Precision Irrigators Network:On-Farm Research Demonstration to Evaluate Irrigation Scheduling Tools in the Wintergarden and Texas High Plains 2009
Update of Groundwater Availability Model for Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer Utilizing the MODFLOW-DCM Code 2009
Hydrographic Survey Program Assessment 2009
0604830619 -
Final Pilot Study Report Texas Seawater Desalination Demonstration Project
Note: This report consists of "Digital Attachments" e.g., plans, studies, documentation and data, which are available separately on CD only
Travis County Drainage Basin Study - Volumes 1 an 2
Note: documents and data are available separately on 3 DVDs
Nacatoch Aquifer Groundwater Availability Model
Note: figures, model files, documents, and data are available separately on DVD
Groundwater Availability Model for the West Texas Bolsons (Red Light Draw, Green River Valley, and Eagle Flat) Aquifer in Texas.
Note: geodatabases, model files, and figures are available separately on DVD
Representative Scalar Transport and Vertical Mixing
Note: additional digital data files are available separately on CD.
Lessons Learned from the Brownsville Seawater Pilot Study 2009
UTBEST3D hydrodynamic model 2009
Groundwater Availability Model of the Edwards-Trinity (High Plains) Aquifer in Texas and New Mexico note: appendices, data, figures, and tables are available separately on CD. 2009
Mountain Creek Flood Protection Plan (City of Grand Prarie)
Note: digital data files and models are available separately on CD.
Update to Report 126 - Engineering Data on Dams and Reservoirs in Texas
Note: photos, plans, and the main database are available separately on DVD.

Corpus Christi Bay, Galveston Bay, Mission-Aransas Bay, San Antonio Bay, and Sabine Lake Lower-Watershed Multi-year Land-Use and Land Cover Classifications and Curve Numbers

McGee Bend Regional Wastewater System Planning Report and Recommendations 2008
Groundwater Availability Model for the Dockum Aquifer. This link is report part 1 of 7. the rest are available on DVD II. Models and data are available separately on DVD I. 2008
Galveston Bay Freshwater Inflow Re‐Study - An investigation of productivity-inflow relationships 2008
Cameron County Drainage District # 5 Flood Protection Plan
Note: data, appendices, and models are available separately on CD.
Regional Wastewater System Plan Update - City of Longview
Note: SewerGEMS V8 XM Wastewater Modeling Files are available separately on DVD.
Geomorphic Processes, Controls, and Transition Zones in the Middle and Lower Trinity River 2008
City of Granite Shoals Regional Wastewater Facilities Study 2008
Flood Protection Study Schoolhouse Ditch (City of Vidor)
Note: models are available separately on CD.
Distributional Survey and Habitat Utilization of Freshwater Mussels
Note: data and additional files are available separately on CD.
Water Demand Projections for Power Generation in Texas
Note: data and files are available separately on CD. (index )
Development of Monthly Water Accounting System for the Rio Grande Below Fort Quitman
Geomorphic Units Of the Lower Sabine River
Note: Appendix A and B are available separately on CD.
Wharton County Flood Mitigation Plan 2008
Airline Improvement District Water Wastewater Planning Study 2008
Developing a Baseline GIS Database and Tools to Identify Water Reuse Potential in Texas 2008
Fish Assemblage Changes in Three Western Gulf Slope Drainages 2008
Urban Landscape Guide 2008
Guidance Manual For Brackish Groundwater Desalination in Texas 2008
Base Flow (1966–2005) and Streamflow Gain and Loss (2006) of the Brazos River, McLennan County to Fort Bend County, Texas, 2006 2008
Hydrodynamic Model Adaptation: Corpus Christi Benchmark
Note: data files are available separately on DVD.
Planned Level Study for Alternative Surface Water Pipeline Routing in Montgomery County
Note: appendices, computer models, and GIS data are available separately on CD.
San Marcos Flood Protection Plan
Note: data and models are available separately on DVD.
Master Drainage Study - City of Tyler
Note: appendices are available separately on CD.
QVUD Regional Analysis Water Supply & Wastewater Facility Plan
Note: data is available separately on two DVDs: (data, plans, appendices).
Sediment budgeting in the upper and middle basins of the Brazos and Trinity Rivers, TX:
An assessment of methods and directions for future work
Effect of Freshwater Inflow on Macrobenthos Productivity in Minor Bay and River-Dominated Estuaries - Synthesis 2008
AgriPartner Irrigation Result Demonstrations 2008
Forgotten Reach of the Rio Grande Fort Quitman to Presidio, Texas 2008
Water Rights Analysis Package
Note: this web page links to 5 volumes, executable programs and example data.
Geomorphic Classification of the Lower San Antonio River, Texas 2008
Channel Change on the San Antonio River 2008
Brackish Groundwater Exploration Guidance Manual 2008
Single Beam Bathymetric Survey of Rio Grande River from the Brownsville EI Jardin Weir to the Gulf of Mexico 2008
Agricultural Water Conservation Grant (FY 2007) 2008
0704830670 -
UTBEST3D hydrodynamic model (pdf report) | User manual for UTBEST-3D (zip format) 2008
Galveston and Lavaca Watershed Multi-year Land Use and Land Cover Classifications and Curve Numbers 2008
Llano Uplift Aquifers Structure and Stratigraphy
Note: the geodatabase, well logs, cross sections, and map plates are available separately
on CD.
Field Data Collection In Support of Geomorphic Classification of the lower Brazos And Navasota Rivers 2007
Geomorphic Equilibrium in Southeast Texas Rivers 2007
New Stress Tolerant Corn Germplasm for Higher Water Use
Efficiency and Water Conservation
Improving Crop Water Use Efficiency in the Edwards Region: Construction of a Weighing Lysimeters for Managing Irrigation of Row and Vegetable Crops in the Edwards Aquifer Region 2007
Aldine Improvement District Water & Wastewater Planning Study 2004
2005483550 -
Big Spring Regional Water Reclamation Project
feasibility study report | preliminary design report
Socioeconomic Analysis of Selected Interbasin Transfers in Texas appendices 2007
Hunt County Regional Sewer System Planning Study 2007
Structure of the Yegua-Jackson Aquifer of the Texas Gulf Coastal Plain
Note: the geodatabase, appendices, and map plates are available separately on CD.
Drought Monitoring Index for Texas < separate software package > 2007
Eastern Parker County Regional Wastewater Facilities Plan 2007
Proposed Kerr County Regional Water & Wastewater Project for Center Point & Eastern Kerr County 2007
Regulatory Study and Facilities Implementation Plan for Lone Star Groundwater Conservation
District and San Jacinto River Authority
City of Fort Worth Water Priority & Implementation Plan (reclaimed water) 2007
San Gabriel Regional Wastewater Master Plan 2007
Agricultural Water Conservation Program on Cotton Grown in Yoakum County 2007
2005483546 -
City of Pasadena Flood Protection Plan Note - this report is too large to post online, but is available separately on CD. 2007
Lake Livingston Water Supply and Sewer Service Corp. 2006 Regional Water Facility Plan
Note - Additional data and photos are available separately on CD.
Sediment Thickness from Coring and Acoustic Profiling, Lake Buchanan, Llano and Burnet Counties, TX 2007
Agricultural Water Conservation Demonstration Initiative – Annual Progress Report 2007
The Woodlands Regional Facility Planning Report
Note - Exhibits are available separately on CD.
Self-Sealing Evaporation Ponds for Desalination Facilities in Texas 2007
Linking the WAM and GAM Models: Considerations and Recommendations 2007
An Analysis of Water Loss as Reported by Public Water Suppliers in Texas appendices 2007
Analysis of Instream Flows for the Lower Brazos River - Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Fish Habitat Utilization, Final Report (note: the data for this report are available on CD-rom) 2004
Geomorphic Processes, Controls, and Transition Zones in the Lower Sabine River 2007
Biological Data Collection – Brazos River Study Area
Note: appendices and data available separately on CD.
  Reservoir Site Acquisition Study 2007
  Draft Socioeconomic Impact of Interbasin Transfers 2007
Bosque County Regional Water Treatment and Distribution Facilities Plan 2007
Regulatory Study and Facilities Implementation Plan for Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District and San Jacinto River Authority 2007
Baseline Fish Collections Lower Sabine River Priority Instream Flow Study
Note: GIS data and photographs available separately on DVD.
Barnett Shale (data available separately on DVD) aka Barnet Shale report 2007
Implementation and testing of various turbulence models within the UTBEST3D shallow water code 2007
Canyon Reservoir Water Quality Control 2007
Assessment of Hydrologic Alteration Software
Note: appendices and data available separately on CD.
Lower San Antonio River Watershed Instream Flows Study Biological Collection Summary Report (data and photos available separately on CD-rom)
aka - San Antonio River Baseline Fish Sampling Report
Pecan Bayou Watershed, Brownwood, Texas
Interim Feasibility Report and Integrated Environmental Assessment (37MB)
Geomorphic Context, Constraints, and Change in the lower Brazos and Navasota Rivers, Texas 2006
Sandy Land Underground Water Conservation District Agricultural Water Conservation Program Drip Irrigation Project - Watermelons 2006
The Texas High Plains Evapotranspiration Network - An Irrigation Scheduling Technology Transfer Tool 2006
Desalination Brine Discharge Model 2006
Reallocation of Storage in Reservoirs for Future Water Supply 2006
Study of East Matagorda Bay Productivity Final Report 2006
Green Industry Water Conservation Project 2006
Effect of Freshwater Inflow on Macrobenthos Productivity in Minor Bay and River-Dominated Estuaries - FY 05 2006
Raising your Water IQ: A Water Conservation Curriculum
online program | request lesson plans
Verification of Bay Productivity Measurement by Remote Sensors 2006
Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority Regional Wastewater Facility Planning Study
Eastern Hays County, Texas

Response of Oxbow Lake Biota to Hydrologic Exchanges with the Brazos River Channel
aka - 2003483006

Response of Oxbow Lake Biota to Hydrologic Exchanges with the Brazos River Channel
aka - 2003483493
Status Report: Stream Velocity, Discharge, and Water-Quality Parameters at the Intersection of the San Bernard River and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, near Rivers End, Texas, October 2003 – September 2005 dataset 1.xls | dataset 2.xls 2006
County Groundwater Availability Study 2006
Verification of Bay Productivity Measurement by Remote Sensors (2.8 MB) 2006
San Antonio River / San Pedro Creek Flood Damage Mitigation Assessment (58.5 MB)
Note: data for this report is available separately on CD.
Subsurface Drip Irrigation to Conserve Water and Improve Quality of Specialty Vegetable and Forage Crops in the Edwards Aquifer Region 2006
Flood Protection Plan - City of Brownsville Document (16.2 MB) | Appendix (25 MB) 2006
Ship Channel Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Feasibility Study 2006
Evapotranspiration Estimates with Emphasis on Groundwater Evapotranspiration in Texas 2006
Agricultural Water Conservation Grant (1.8 MB) 2006
San Angelo Groundwater Evaluation Phase 1 Report Initial Feasibility Assessment (23.3 MB) 2006
State-of-the-Art Center Pivot System for Education, Research and Demonstration 2005
Dredging vs. New Reservoirs (12.6 MB) 2005
Final review of the 2004 NAIP Digital Orthoimagery of Texas Powerpoint | 2005
Central Texas Water Treatment Plant to Serve Austin and San Antonio Water System 2005
Programming Study for the Upper Brushy Creek WCID Dam Modernization Program 2005
Quantification of Terrestrial and Marine Sediment Sources to a Managed Fluvial, Deltaic and Estuarine System: The Nueces-Corpus Christi Estuary, Texas. 2005
City of Raymondville Flood Mitigation Plan 2005
Jefferson County Drainage District No. Six Hazard mitigation Plan 2005
City of Pearland Hazard Mitigation Plan (MS Word document) 2005
City of Baytown Flood Mitigation Plan 2005
UTBEST - 3D - An adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Solver for Three-Dimensional Shallow Water Equations 2005
A Desalination Database for Texas (1.3 MB) 2005
Agricultural Water Conservation Grant (FY 2004)
Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSSWCB)
Western Bastrop County Water & Wastewater Planning Study (32 MB) 2005
Lake Columbia Downstream Impacts Analysis (31 MB) 2005
Instream Flows Report for Brazos, San Antonio, and Sabine River authorities (on DVD only) 2005
Recycled Water Implementation Plan - Vol. 1 - Dallas Water Utilities (14 MB) 2005
Central Texas Regional Water Supply Study - Phase II - Brazos River Authority (16 MB) 2005
Medina River Regional Flood Protection Planning Study (18 MB) 2005
Regional Wastewater Study for the Cities of Denison and Pottsboro (37 MB) 2005
2003483510 - Texas Manual on Rainwater Harvesting (6.1 MB) 2005
Monitoring Program to Evaluate Water Quantity/Quality Impacts of Vegetation Restoration in the Leon River Watershed (1.3 MB) 2005
River Channel Morphology– A tool for analyzing and extrapolating river channel bathymetry 2005
NAS Review - The Science of Instream Flows: A Review of the Texas Instream Flows Program 2005
Regional Water Quality Protection Plan for the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer and its Contributing Zone 2005
Cedar Park Master Drainage Plan 2005
Northern Trinity/Woodbine Aquifer Groundwater Availability Model (GAM) (13.9 MB) 2005
Survey of Municipal Water Loss Practices in Texas
Brazos River Authority May 2003 CHIRP Sub-bottom Profiler Survey and Sediment Core Analyses of: Aquilla lake, Granger lake, Limestone Lake, Lake Proctor 2004
West Central Brazos River Basin Regional Water Treatment and Distribution Facility Plan 2004
2004483516 - Status Report: Stream Velocity and Discharge at the Intersection of the San Bernard River and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, near Rivers End, Texas, October 2003 2004
2004483531 - Statewide Conservation Public Awareness Research Study 2004
no number Analysis of Instream Flows for the Sulphur River: Hydrology, Hydraulics & Fish Habitat Utilization. Note: the data for this report are available on CD-rom. 2004
2004483012 - Effect of Freshwater Inflow on Macrobenthos Productivity in Minor Bay and River-Dominated Estuaries - FY04 2004
2004483516 - Status Report: Stream Velocity and Discharge at the Intersection of the San Bernard River and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, near Rivers End, Texas, October 2003 - September 2004 2004
Response of Oxbow Lake Biota to Hydrologic Exchanges with the Brazos River Channel (.doc)
City of Euless Flood Mitigation Plan 2004
Stable Isoptope Studies in Freeport Area, Brazoria County, Texas 2004
Formulation and Numerical Implementation of the 2D/3D ADCIRC Finite Element Model Version 44.XX 2004
Large Scale Demonstration Desalination Feasibility Study - Corpus Christi Texas 2004
Freeport Desalination 2004
Lower Rio Grande Valley Brownsville Seawater Desalination Demonstration Project Feasibility Study 2004
Guidance Manual for Permitting Requirements in Texas for Desalination Facilities 2004
WRMWD Water Reuse and Conservation Study 2004
Development of an Agricultural Irrigation Water Use Estimating Methodology 2004
Hydrodynamic Modeling in Rivers with Submerged Large Woody Debris 2004
Sediment Thickness from Coring and Acoustic, Lake Cherokee, Rusk County, Texas 2004
Richland Special Utility District Radium Removal 2004
A GIS Framework for Describing River Channel Bathymetry 2004
Geomorphic Impacts of Lake Livingston on the Lower Trinity River, Interim Report, Year 2 2004
Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Associated Nutrient Fluxes to the Corpus Christi Bay System 2004
Effect of Freshwater Inflow on Macrobenthos Productivity in Minor Bay and River Dominated Estuaries 2003
Assessment of Water and Wastewater Facility Needs for EDAP Counties 2003
Lake Texoma Regional Sewer System Study Phase II 2003
Freshwater Inflows to Matagorda Bay 2003
Final Data Report on Environmental Controls of Native Fishes, Other Biota, and Ambient Water Quality in Ten Major Spring Systems of Texas 2003
2003483489 -
Lower Colorado River Basin Phase I, Texas
Volume I | Volume II | Appendix G (links open WinZip archives for you to download)
Note: due to file size constraints, high res images are available only on CD
Database of Historically Documented Springs and Spring Flow Measurements in Texas; Report Summary 2003
Identification of Large Woody Debris in Acoustic Bathymetry Data 2003
Ecological Profiles for Selected Stream-Dwelling Texas Freshwater Fishes
four part report
1999 - 2003
Sediment Thickness from Coring and Acoustics within Lakes Aquilla, Granger, Limestone, and Proctor: Brazos River Watershed, TX 2003
Travis County Hazard Mitigation Plan 2003
Lake Eastex Planning Studies Final Report 2003
Sediment Delivery and Channel Change on the Lower Trinity River, Texas; Quantifying Sediment Transport; Downstream Trends in Discharge, Slope, and Stream Power in the Lower Trinity River; Sediment monitoring in Galveston Bay. Note: this is a 5 report series, and this link takes you to an index of all 5 reports. 2003 - 2007. 2007
Groundwater Availability Model for the Northern Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer 2003
Groundwater Availability Model for the Southern Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer 2003
Identification of Geographic Areas in Texas Suitable for Groundwater Banking 2002
Effect of Freshwater Inflow on Macrobenthos Productivity in Minor Bay and River-Dominated Estuaries - FY02 2003
Groundwater Availability of the Southern Ogalalla Aquifer in Texas and New Mexico, Numerical Simulations through 2050 2003
Water Demand Methodology and Projections for Mining and Manufacturing 2003
Evaluation of the Trinity River Floodway Channel Realignment 2003
Temple/Belton Regional Sewerage System Expansion to the Town of Salado Feasibility Study 2003
Brackish Groundwater Manual for Texas Regional Water Planning Groups 2003
Interim Report - Year 1: Sediment Retention in Stream Corridors of the Lower Trinity River Basin, Texas 2003
Groundwater Availability Model for the Central Part of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer in Texas 2003
Regional Drainage Plan and Environmental Investigation for Major Tributaries in the Cypress Creek Watershed 2003
Gulf Coast Water Authority Trinity Water Transfer Study 2003
Geospatial Representation of Stream Channels 2003
Power Generation Water Use in Texas for the Years 2000-2060 2003
Mesohabitat Use and Community Structure of Brazos River Fishes in the Vicinity of the Proposed Allens Creek Reservoir 2002
Nitrogen Cycling in East Matagorda Bay 2002
Brazoria County Master Drainage Plan 2002
Trinity Aquifer Groundwater Level Recording Monitors 2002
Infrastructure Financing Reports by Region 2002
Management Strategies for Potential Inter-Regional Cooperation (Regions K, L, M, N, and P) 2002
Groundwater Recharge in Texas 2002
Quantifying the Effectiveness of Various Water Conservation Techniques in Texas 2002
Formulation and Numerical Implementation of the 3D ADCIRC Finite Element Model Version 36.01 2002
Brownsville Regional Water and Wastewater Master Plan 2002
Sabine County Regional Water and Wastewater Facilities Plan 2002
Development of Groundwater Database for Parts of Areas Encompassed by the Lakeside Irrigation District 2002
Alternative Project Delivery 2002
A Coupled Continuous/Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Shallow Water Equations  
Discontinuous and Coupled Continuous/Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Shallow Water Equations  
USGS Open File Report 02-068: Results of Streamflow Gain-Loss Studies in Texas, with Emphasis on Gains from and losses to Major and Minor Aquifers. 2002
Effect of Freshwater Inflow on Macrobenthos Productivity in Minor Bay and River-Dominated Estuaries - FY01 2001
Comparative Analysis of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Requirements in States Bordering with Mexico 2001
Saturated Thickness in the Ogallala Aquifer in the Panhandle Water Planning Area 2001
Ground Water Supplies in Briscoe, Dickens, Garza, Motley, and Swisher Counties 2001
Assessment of Weather Modification as a Water Management Strategy 2001
432 -
Potential Water Management Strategies for Inter-Regional Cooperation 2001
Flood Protection Planning Study Alpine Creek (Brewster County), TX 2001
Woodcreek Master Drainage Plan Improvements to Hog Creek 2001
Groundwater Availability of the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer, TX 2001
Regional Surface Water Plant Feasibility Study for Mid-Brazoria County Planning Group 2001
Habitat Modeling Tool for Instream Flow Project 2001
City of Grand Prairie Flood Mitigation Plan 2001
North Harris County Regional Water Authority GIS Project Manual 2001
Texas Brush Control Program North Concho River Watershed Project FY 2000-2001 Monitoring Report 2001
Regional Drainage Study Marys, Cowarts, and Chiggers Watersheds, City of Friendswood, TX 2001
Nitrogen Cycling in Sabine Lake 2001
City of Corsicana Flood Protection Planning Study 2001
Comal County Dam Feasibility Study 2001
Summary of Vertical Velocity Calculation on Models as Considered for the 3D ADCIRC Hydrodynamic Model 2001
A GIS-TxRR Model for East Matagorda Bay 2001
North Bosque River Phosphorous Removal Study for Six Wastewater Treatment Plants 2001
Monitor Water Currents, Sea Levels, Temperatures, Salinities, and Meteorlogical Conditions at Aransas Pass, Texas 2001
Hydrodynamic Simulation of the Corpus Christi Bay Area Using QUODDY4 Part 1 2001
Turbulence Closure Modeling in TxBlend Part 2  
Master Drainage Plan for City of Oak Ridge North (Montgomery Co) 2001
Water and Wastewater Needs of Non-EDAP Eligible Disadvantaged Areas 2001
Trinity River COMMON VISION Program 2001
Lower Brushy Creek Wastewater Master Plan 2001
USGS WRI 01-4155 Evaluation of the Streamflow-Gaging Network of Texas and a Proposed Core Network 2001
Cloud Seeding Operations and Evaluation for the San Angelo Rain Enhancement Program 2001
Flood Mitigation and Repetitive Loss Structures Evaluation/Disposition Plan Celina, TX 2001
Flood Mitigation Plan Gonzales, TX 2001
City of San Antonio Regional Flood Mitigation Plan 2000
Nutrient Transport and Water Quality Monitoring in Sabine Lake Bayous 2000
Effect of Freshwater Inflow on Macrobenthos Productivity and Nitrogen Losses in Texas Estuaries 2000
Regional Surface Water Plant Feasibility Study for Brazoria, Fort Bend, and West Harris Counties 2000
Hood County Regional Sewerage System 2000
Flood Protection Planning Study for City of Eagle Pass 2000
Water and Wastewater Comprehensive Plan 2000
Rincon Bayou Demonstration Project Vol. 1 Executive Summary 2000
Investigation of Joslin Steam Electric Station for Co-Location of a Desalination Facility 2000
Regional Economic Development Plan for Participating Municipalities in Frio and Atascosa Counties, Texas 2000
Regional Economic Development Plan for Participating Municipalities in Karnes and Wilson Counties, Texas 2000
Desalination for Texas Water Supply 2000
The Effect of Dams on Sediment Retention in Bottomland Hardwood Forests within the Upper Angelina River Basin, Texas: A Feasibility Study 2000
Desalination for Texas Water Supply 2000
Geophysical Survey Salt Pollution Study (Dove Creek Site) Stonewall County, Texas 2000
Developing a GIS-TxRR Model 2000
Nitrogen Cycling in Laguna Madre and Baffin Bay 2000
Visual Structural Observation of Bridges Along the Raymondville Drain Channel 2000
Identifying and Assessing Ground Water in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas using Airborne Electromagnetic Induction 2000
Regional Wastewater Plan for Lake Cypress Springs and the Franklin County Water District 2000
Regional Flood Protection Study for Lake Houston Watershed Flood Program 2000
Flood Mitigation Plan Palestine, TX 2000
Effects of Brush Management on Water Yield from Rangelands on the Edwards Plateau 2000
Investigation of Joslin Steam Electric Station for Co-Location of a Desalination Facility 2000
City of Whitehouse Water and Wastewater Facilities Planning 2000
Live Oak County Water and Wastewater Regional Facility Plan 2000
Microhabitat Use and Community Structure of Fishes Downstream of the Proposed George Parkhouse I and Marvin Nichols I Reservoir Sites on the Sulphur River, Texas 2000
Assessment of Brush Control as a Water Management Strategy 2000
Trinity County Regional Water Supply System Surface Water Conversion and Service Area Expansion 2000
Big Fossil Creek Relief Sewer Planning Report 2000
Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer 2000
Suspended Sediment Retention in Bottomland Hardwood Forest Stream Corridors of the Upper Angelina River Basin, Texas 2000
Demonstration Testing of Zenogem and Reverse Osmosis for Indirect Potable Reuse City of McAllen 2000
Rice Water Irrigation Conservation in LCRA Irrigation Districts 2000
The Consequences of Water Consumption Restrictions During the Corpus Christi Drought of 1996 Vol. 1: Overview 2000
Comprehensive Sabine Watershed Management Plan 1999
Water and Wastewater Service Operations for Economically Distressed Areas 1999
Chacon Creek Watershed Flood Insurance Study Update Vol. 1 1999
Chacon Creek Watershed Flood Insurance Study Update Vol. 2 1999
1998-1999 Annual Report to the TWDB on Research Activities of the Center for Subsurface Modeling 1999
Baroclinic Enhancements to the ADCIRC Finite Element Model Version 35.03 1999
Effects of Freshwater Inflow on Macrobenthos Productivity and Nitrogen Losses in Texas Estuaries 1999
Medina County Regional Water Management Plan 1999
City of Raymondville Water/Wastewater Master Plan 1999
Water Price Elasticities for Single-Family Homes in Texas 1999
Third Party Compensation for Interbasin Transfers of Water in Texas: Alternatives for Funding and Payment 1999
Investigation of an Expansion of the Surface Water Advanced Treatment System to Provide Treated Surface Water 1999
Denitrification in Galveston Bay - Final Report 1999
Market Strategies for Improved Service by Water Utilities 1999
Water and Wastewater Facilities Planning Study for the Four Corners Area of Ft. Bend County 1999
Flood Protection Planning Study City of Gainesville and Cooke County 1999
Survey and Analyses of Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Financing Mechanisms 1999
Southeastern Parker County Regional Water Study 1999
Master Drainage Plan for Arroyo Roma and Arroyo Los Morenos Watersheds 1999
Groundwater Conservation District Operations Manual 1999
Report on Diversion Facilities on the Rio Grande that Deliver Water for Domestic, Municipal, and Industrial Uses 1999
Evaluation of Amistad-Falcon Water Supply Under Current and Extended Drought Conditions 1999
Water Management Plan Tarrant Regional Water District 1999
Integrated Water Resource Plan Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council 1999
North Concho River Watershed Brush Control Planning, Assessment, and Feasibility Study 1999
Identification of Existing Flood Hazards and Development of Interim and Future Drainage Improvement Plans for the Mill Creek Watershed 1998
part 2 -
Identification of Existing Flood Hazards and Development of Interim and Future Drainage Improvement Plans for the Hurricane Creek Watershed - City of Lufkin, Angelina County 1999
Interim Report on Edwards Aquifer Saline Zone Monitoring Program 1998
Effect of Freshwater Inflow on Macrobenthos Productivity and Nitrogen Losses in Texas Estuaries 1998
Carrizo-Wilcox Ground-Water and Surface Water Models (Groundwater/Surface Water Interaction) 1998
Overton Regional Water Supply Plan Rabbit Creek Reservoir 1998
Erath County Animal Waste Management Study 1998
Suspended Sediment Yield in Texas Watersheds 1998
International Reservoirs Operations and Drought Contingency Planning Study for the Middle and Lower Rio Grande 1998
Conversion Implementation Analysis, Houston-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District 1998
Finite Element Approximations to the System of Shallow Water Equations, Part III: On the Treatment of Boundary Conditions 1998
Brown Shrimp Harvests in Upper Laguna Madre/Baffin Bay: A Regression Analysis, Harvest vs. Freshwater Inflows 1998
South Texas Regional Water Supply Plan Phase I 1998
Users Manual Guide for Management Plans 1998
Aquifer Storage and Recovery Preliminary Investigation and Feasibility Analysis 1998 - 99
Analysis of Bottomland hardwood Areas and Assessment of Wildlife Habitat Quality at the Potential Future Waters Bluff Reservoir Site 1998
Economic Impacts of Recreational Activities and Commercial Fishing on the Texas Gulf Coast 1998
Arroyo Colorado Watershed Nonpoint Source Pollution Project 1998
Ogallala Regional Water Management Plan 1998
Microhabitat Utilization and Fish Survey of the Guadalupe River, San Antonio River, Cibolo Creek 1998
Mean Crop Consumptive Use and Free-Water Evaporation for Texas 1998
Master Drainage Plan City of Alton 1998
Trans-Texas Water Program Reports 1995 - 98
Bell County Report on Water Supply Requirements 1996
Valuing and Managing Water Supply Reliability 1997
Regional Water Master Plan for the City of McAllen 1997
Seawater Desalination Feasibility Study in the Laguna Madre Area 1997
Effect of Freshwater Inflow on Macrobenthos Productivity and Nitrogen Losses in Texas Estuaries 1997
Canyon Lake Water Supply Corporation Regional Water Plan 1997
Tidal Predictions for Galveston Bay Texas Using Model ADCIRC-2DDI 1997
Brazos County Area Regional Water Supply System Feasibility Study 1997
Regional Water and Wastewater Planning Study for Kerr County, Texas 1997
Flood Protection Plan for Hidalgo County, Texas 1997
User's Manual for University of Texas Bays and Estuaries Simulator (UTBEST) 1997
Freestone County Regional Water Supply Study 1997
Flood Protection Planning Study for the Fredericksburg Area 1997
Medina County Regional Water Plan SIMYLD-II Analysis 1997
Shelby County Water Study 1997
Arcola-Fresno Regional Water and Wastewater Planning Study, Ft. Bend County, Texas 1997
City of Houston 1997
Trout Harvests in Aransas Bay: A Regression Analysis Harvest vs. Freshwater Inflows 1997
Oyster Harvests in Aransas Bay: A Regression Analysis Harvest vs. Freshwater Inflows 1997
Regional Wastewater Plan for the East El Paso Area 1997
El Paso Water Resource Management Plan Phase III Completion Report  
Treatment of Nonpoint Source Pollution with Wetland/Aquatic Ecosystem Best Management Practices 1997
Alternative Regional Water Supply Plan for the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer 1997
Walnut Creek Basin Regional Wastewater Study Parker, Wise, and Tarrant Counties of Texas 1997
Regional Water Supply and Wastewater Study for the City of Weslaco, Texas Part 1 - Water 1997
Evaluation of "Dry-Year Option" Water Transfers from Agricultural to Urban Use 1997
An Analysis of Bottomland Hardwood Areas at Three Proposed Reservoir Sites in Northeast Texas 1997
East Cedar Creek Fresh Water Supply District Water and Wastewater Master Plan 1997
McAllen/Edinburg Reuse Feasibility Study 1997
Flood Protection Plan City of Brownsville 1997
Hydrodynamic Simulation of the Corpus Christi Bay Area Using QUODDY4 1997
Denitrification in Galveston Bay 1997 Annual Report 1997
USGS WRI 96-4245 Chlorofluorocarbon and Tritium Age Determination of Ground-Water Recharge in the Ryan Flat Subbasin, Trans-Pecos, Texas 1997
Cooper Creek and Pecan Creek Regional Drainage Studies 1996
Comparison of Finite Difference and Finite Element Hydrodynamic Models Applied to the Laguna Madre Estuary 1996
Evaluation of Economic and Reliable Methods of Brine Management Stonewall County, Texas 1996
Arsenic Treatability Options and Evaluation of Residuals Management Issues 1996
Development of Brackish Ground Water Resources in the Brownsville Area 1996
Flood Protection Planning Study for Brazos Valley Subdivision of City of Simonton 1996
Biosolids Land Application and Composting Feasibility Study 1996
A Summary of Weather-Modification: 1996 TEXARC Project 1996
Leon Creek Watershed Master Drainage Plan Appendices 1996
Regional Water Supply Study Duval and Jim Wells Counties, Texas 1996
Terminability of Water Supply Service in Texas and Model Agreement for Fixed-Term Wholesale Raw Water Supply 1996
Modeling and Monitoring Long-Term Change in Macrobenthos in Texas Estuaries 1996
Social and Economic Impacts of Water Transfers: A Case Study of the Edwards Aquifer 1996
Environmental Study of Proposed Diversion Sites G-10 and G-14 on the Guadalupe River 1996
Zapata County, Texas Water and Wastewater Regional Planning Study 1996
Sandy Creek/Lake Travis Nonpoint Source Water Quality Study 1996
Memorandum Report Updated Water Project Opinions of Cost 1996
Planning Assistance to States Programs Tarrant County Drought Simulation 1996
Flood Control Study for the City and County of Nacogdoches, Texas 1996
Lower Neches Valley Authority 1994 - 96
Wimberley Regional Wastewater Planning Study 1996
Flood Protection Planning for the City of Katy, Texas 1996
Flood Protection Planning Study for Southern McAllen and Mission, TX 1996
Determining Recent Sedimentation Rates of the Nueces River System, TX 1996
Water Conservation and Quality Enhancement Using Shallow Reservoirs to Collect Runoff and Rain for Rice Production 1996
Numerical Study of Thin-Film Flows and Open-Channel Flows 1996
LCRA's Flood Protection Planning Study Draft Report 1996
An Evaluation of the Efficiency of Stormwater Sumps in an Urban Watershed to Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution 1996
DFW International Airport Raw Water Supply Study 1996
USGS WRI 96-4225 Measurement of Flows for Two Irrigation Districts in the Lower Colorado River Basin, Texas 1996
USGS WRI 96-4306 Geologic Framework and Hydrogeologic Characteristics of the Edwards Aquifer Outcrop 1996
White Shrimp Harvests in Galveston Bay: A Regression Analysis of Harvest vs. Freshwater Inflows 1996
Regional Water Supply Study San Marcos Area 1995
In Situ Biorestoration of Nitrate Contaminated Water Wells 1994 - 95
Drip Irrigation on the Edwards Aquifer 1995
Regional Water Supply Study El Paso County WCID #4 1995
A Review and Evaluation of the Available Hydrologic Data on the Groundwater Resources under the El Paso County Water Authority and Fabens WCID Leases 1995
Flood Protection Plan City of Donna 1995
Guadalupe River at Victoria Texas 1995
Upper Trinity River Basin Study 1995
Cities of Clifton and Meridian Regional Water Supply Study 1995
GBRA Regional Wastewater Sludge Disposal Alternatives Study 1995
Greater Houston Area Regional Wastewater Sludge Management Study 1995
Cameron County Colonia Wastewater Treatment Planning Study 1995
Regional Wastewater Study Cities of Nederland, Port Neches, and Groves 1995
Lakeway Area Reclaimed Water Regional Reuse Utility Feasibility Study 1995
Bexar-Medina-Atascosa Counties WCID No. 1 Natural Resource Plan 1995
Gillespie County Regional Water Management Plan 1995
Water Conservation Plan for Cities of Port Neches, Nederland, and Groves 1995
Clear Creek Regional Flood Control Plan (4.8 MB) 1993
Creation of the Greens Bayou Regional Detention and Wetlands Mitigation Bank Facility 1995
Development of New Orchard Soil Management Practices for Improving Water Use Efficiency and for Reducing Water Quality Degradation 1995
Hill Country Underground Water Conservation District Regional Water Plan 1995
Allens Creek and the Brazos River 1994
Xeriscaping : Promises and Pitfalls 1994
Sediment Interstitial Study 1994
Southern Bexar County Medina Valley Surface Water Supply Study 1994
Northshore Regional Wastewater Reuse Water Supply and Flood Control Planning Study 1994
Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Hydrogeology and Groundwater Quality 1994
An Analysis of the Legal and Institutional Parameters for Water Marketing in Texas 1994
Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District GIS Database Development 1994
Regional Water Plan for Participating Municipalities in Atascosa, Frio, Karnes, and Wilson Counties 1994
Conjunctive Water Resource Management and Aquifer Restoration Study 1994
Dickinson Bayou Watershed Regional Drainage Plan Phase III 1994
Flood Protection Study City of Orange, Texas 1994
The Influence of High Frequency Irrigation on Growth, Development, and Production of Peanuts 1994
Brazos Chloride Feasibility Study Phase I 1994
Springflow Augmentation of Comal Springs and San Marcos Springs, Texas: Phase I - Feasibility Study 1994
Reservoir/River System Reliability Considering Water Rights and Water Quality 1994
Possum Kingdom Regional Water Supply System 1994
City of Austin Water Distribution System Long-Range Planning Guide 1994
Utilization of Geopressured/Geothermal Resources for Additional Water Supply in the Lower Rio Grande Valley 1994
Flood Protection Plan for the West Fork of the Trinity River Above Eagle Mountain Lake 1994
Policy Paper Series 1996
Water-Quality Assessment Protocol for Texas River Basins: A Case Study on the Upper Neches River Basin Study Area for the Clean Rivers Program 1994
Regional Water Supply Plan City of Plainview 1994
Determining Recent Sedimentation Rates of the Trinity River, Texas 1993
Farmers, Lenders, and Water Districts Response to Texas' Low Interest Loan Program for Water Conservation in Agriculture 1993
Texas Industrial Water Use Efficiency Survey 1993
Proposed Lake Eastex Reservoir 1993
Overview of Conjunctive Management Alternatives for the Canadian River Municipal Water Authority 1993
Habitat Quality Assessment for the Proposed Cibolo and Goliad Reservoir Sites 1993
Water Supply Planning Using Expert GIS
Natural Salt Pollution and Water Supply Reliability in the Brazos River Basin 1993
City of Odessa Residential Reuse 1993
Major Rivers Water Education Program 1993
Nueces Basin Water Supply Study Phase II Conditional Probability Modeling 1993
Regional Water Supply Management Decision Support Tools for the San Antonio Region Phase II Technical Report 1993
Ground-Water Availability in the Vicinity of Plainview, Texas 1993
Information Regarding Medina Lake 1993
City of Austin Water Conservation Plan 1993
Water Rights Analysis Package (TAMU WRAP) Model Description and Users Manual 1993
Regional Wastewater Planning Study Phase II Nueces Estuary 1993
Wastewater Reuse Feasibility Project City of Sweetwater 1993
Regional Water Supply Study for Starr County WCID No. 2 1993
Development Trends Residential Connections by Watershed Planning Area 1993
Ft. Bend County Surface Water Supply Study Phases 1 and 2 1993

San Antonio Water System Water Resources Planning Process

Effectiveness of Retrofit in Single Family Residences and Multi-Family Projects 1993
El Paso Water Resource Management Plan 1991
Galveston County's Shore Line Flood Protection Restoration and Implementation Plan 1992
Lake Alan Henry Water Quality Protection Plan 1992
Planning and Identification for a South Bexar County Water Supply System Plan 1992
Predicting Long-Term Effects of Freshwater Inflow or Macrobenthos in the Lavaca-Colorado and Guadalupe Estuaries Year 2 1992
Borehole Geophysical Techniques for Determining the Water Quality and Reservoir Parameters of Fresh and Saline Water Aquifers in Texas 1992
A Vegetation Inventory for the Proposed Cibolo and Goliad Reservoir Sites 1992
Angelina and Neches River Authority Water Conservation Plan 1992
Nacogdoches County Water Supply Study 1992
Water and Wastewater Systems Study Update 1992
Galveston Beach Groinfield Maintenance Material Placement 1992
Regional Water Supply Plan for the City and County of Victoria 1992
Plum Creek Local Flood Protection Project Wichita Falls, Texas 1992
Water Management Plan for the Lower Colorado River Basin 1992
League City Regional Wastewater Plan 1992
Engineering Assessment and Environmental Inventory and Issues Report Artificial Recharge Enhancement Onion Creek, Hays County, Texas 1992
Corridor Development Certificate Manual for the Trinity River Corridor 1992
South Texas Water Authority Regional Stormwater Master Plan 1992
Kerr County Regional Water Plan Phase I 1992
West Central Texas Municipal Water District Regional Water Supply Plan Volume 1: Summary of Findings 1991
Nueces River Basin Regional Water Supply Planning Study Phase III - Recharge Enhancement 1991
Water Quality Assessments and Recommended Pilot-Scale/Bench-Scale Studies Associated with Water Supply Diversion from the Trinity River 1991
Regional Water Supply Study Springhills Water Management District 1991
Predicting Long Term Effects of Freshwater Inflow on Macrobenthos in the Lavaca-Colorado and Guadalupe Estuaries 1991
Regional Water Supply Plan to Mitigate Radionuclide Levels in Concho, McCulloch, and San Saba Counties 1991
Prototype Methodology Study Upper Trinity River Basin, Texas 1991
Upper Leon River Municipal Water District Regional Wastewater Study 1991
A Vegetation Inventory and Habitat Quality Assessment for the Proposed Cuero and Lindenau Reservoir Sites 1991
A Natural Resource Survey for Proposed Reservoir Sites and Selected Stream Segments in Texas 1991
Water Distribution System Study and Master Plan for City of La Joya 1991
Lake Eastex Regional Water Supply Planning Study 1991
Cameron County Regional Water and Wastewater Planning Study 1991
Carrizo Recharge Study 1991
Understanding Trends in Texas Per Capita Water Consumption 1991
Yield Study Toledo Bend Reservoir 1991
Feasibility Study for the Implementation of a Water Reuse Project in Fairfield Village 1991
Regional Water Supply Planning Study Phase I Nueces River Basin 1991
Regional Water Planning Study: Palmetto Bend Stage 2 1991
Groundwater Quality Monitoring Program of the Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District 1991
Angelina County Regional Water Study 1991
Evaluation of the Effects of Proposed Release Operation Plans for Lake Texana on Lavaca Bay Salinities 1991
A Regional Water Supply Planning Study Houston-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District 1991
A Regional Wastewater Facility Plan for the Clear Lake Area 1991
Master Drainage Study Longview, Texas 1991
Drainage Criteria and Erosion Control Manual City of Longview 1991
Regional Water Plan for the Guadalupe River Basin 1991
Future of the Texas Gulf Coast 1990
Cottonwood Creek Flood Protection Program 1990
Abundance and Distribution of Larval Fishes and Shrimps in the Laguna Madre, Texas: A Hypersaline Lagoon 1990
Regional Water Plan for the Barton Springs Segment of the Edwards Aquifer 1990
Hill Country Water Supply Feasibility Study 1990
Flood Protection Study Martin County, Texas 1990
North Bosque River Basin Evaluation of Dairy Best Management Practices 1990
Village of Bee Cave, LCRA Regional Water Supply Planning Study 1990
Brazos Valley Long-Range Regional Water Supply Planning Study 1990
Val Verde County Regional Waterworks and Wastewater Systems Study 1990
Canyon Regional Water Authority Regional Water Supply Study 1990
Environmental Information Document for Justiceburg Reservoir 1990
Hardin County WCID No. 1 Flood Control Study 1990
Alligator Bayou Ponding Study Port Arthur, Texas 1990
Regional Wastewater Facility Plan for a Portion of the Eagle Mountain Lake and Lake Worth Watersheds 1990
Sulphur River Basin Area Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Management Plan 1990
Bosque County Regional Water Supply Study 1990
A Methodology for Determining Ability to Pay for Implementation of EDAP 1990
Collin County Regional Water and Wastewater Planning Study 1990
Travis County Water Control and Improvement District No. 17 Regional Water Study 1990
Fox Crossing Water District Regional Water Study 1990
Regional Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Plans for Hidalgo County 1990
Regional Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Brazos Bend Water Authority 1990
Sedimentation and Historic Changes in Fluvial-Deltaic Wetlands Along the Texas Gulf Coast with Emphasis on the Colorado and Trinity River Deltas 1990
Decline of Submerged Vegetation in the Galveston Bay System: Chronology and Relationships to Physical Processes 1990
Sedimentation in Fluvial-Deltaic Wetlands and Estuarine Areas, Texas Gulf Coast Literature Synthesis 1990
Regional Water Supply Plan Volume One 1990 (Tarrant County) 1990
Long-Range Water Supply Plan 1990-2050 City of Dallas 1990

Aquifer Storage Recovery Feasibility Investigation

1988 - 92
Analysis of the Effect of Freshwater Inflows on Estuary Fishery Resources 1989
Results of Operational Seeding Over the Watershed of San Angelo, Texas 1985-1989 1989
Lake Belton and Stillhouse Hollow Studies 1989
Nitrogen Process Study: Nursery Habitat Utilization by Finfish and Shellfish and their Relationships to Freshwater Inflow Section 1 1989
Nitrogen Processes Study: Nutrient Distributions and Dynamics in Lavaca, San Antonio, and Nueces/Corpus Christi Bays in relation to Freshwater Inflow 1989
Nitrogen Process Studies: The Effect of Freshwater Inflow on Benthos Communities and Dynamics 1989
Oyster Reef as Habitat for Estuarine Macrofauna 1989
Drainage Criteria Manual for Montgomery County, Texas 1989
Timber Lakes and Tiber Ridge Levee Feasibility Study Montgomery County, Texas 1989
Regional Wastewater Facility Plan City of Houston, Executive Summary 1989
Use of Marsh Habitats by Fishery Organisms Along a Salinity Gradient in Galveston Bay  
Salinity Requirements for Reproduction and Larval Development of Several Important Fishes in Texas Estuaries 1989
Maverick County Regional Water and Wastewater Feasibility Study 1989
Regionalized Needs and Costs of Water and Supply and Wastewater Facilities in Dimmit and Zavala Counties 1989
Flood Protection Plan for for Portions of Salado, Cibolo, and Leon Creeks 1989
Habitat-Related Differences in Diets of Small Fishes from Lavaca Bay, TX 1985-1986 1989
Regional Water Supply Study Rosenberg, Richmond, and Surrounding Areas 1989
Regional Water and Wastewater Master Plan for Live Oak Ridge Area of San Patricio County, Texas 1989
Georgetown Regional Wastewater Planning Study 1989
Master Drainage Plan Report on Mustang Bayou, Chocolate Bayou, et al. 1989
Drainage Criteria and Design Manual San Patricio County, TX 1987
Flood Control Study San Patricio County, TX 1987
Hays County Water and Wastewater Study 1989
Regional Water Study for Ellis County and Southern Dallas County 1989
The Use of Juncus and Spartina Marshes by Fishery Species in Lavaca Bay, Texas with Reference to Effects of Floods 1989
City of Gatesville Regional Wastewater Planning Study 1989
Biomass and Primary Production in Seagrasses and Macroalgae 1989
Hazardous Waste Management Approaches to Protect Water Quality 1989
Flood Protection Plan Montgomery County, Texas 1989
Cloud Seeding Operations and Evaluations for the San Angelo Rain Enhancement Program 1989
Hays County Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan 1988
CRMWD Southwest Cooperative Program (SWCP) (cloud seeding) 1990
The Development of Predictors and Covariates for the Evaluation of the Southwest Cooperative Program 1988
Regional Water Supply and Planning Study Ft. Bend County 1988
Upper West Fork and Clear Fork Trinity River Basin Water Quality and Regional Facility Planning Study 1988
Cooper Reservoir Water Supply Study 1988
San Jacinto River Authority Water Resources Development Plan 1988
Regional Water and Wastewater Facilities Planning for the Richland-Chambers Reservoir Area 1988
Water Reclamation Research Project City of Abilene 1988
Denton County Water And Wastewater Study Regional Master Plan for 2010 1988
Regional Water System Study for City of Dripping Springs 1988
Field Study of Potential Pollutant Movement in the Environment 1988
Bastrop Regional Wastewater Study Maha Creek/Cedar Creek 1987 - 88
Aquifer Recharge Utilizing Playa Lake Water and Filter Underdrains Phase IV 1988
Water Yield Improvement from Rangeland Watersheds  
Evaluation of Financial, Legal, and Institutional Factors Affecting the Provision of Water and Sewerage Services 1987
Water and Wastewater Management Plan El Paso County 1987
West Harris County Surface Water Supply Corporation Implementation Plan 1987
Report on Ground-Water Conditions in the Vicinity of Champion, Southwest of Sweetwater, Nolan County, Texas 1987
Lake Bosque Project Contract Numbers 8483522, 8483527, 8483530 & 8483531 1987
Water Service Feasibility Study for the El Paso County Lower Valley Water District Authority 1987
City of Brownsville Master Drainage Plan 1987
Regional and Statewide Economic Impacts of Recreational Activity and Commercial Fishing 1987
North Harris County Water Supply Corporation Surface Water Conversion Plan 1987
Surface Water Conversion Plan North Channel Water Supply Corporation 1987
Synthesis of Data on Acartia Tonsa in Texas Bay Systems: Correlation between its Abundance and Selected Environmental Factors 1987
A Reconnaissance Level Study of Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Needs of the Colonias of the Lower Rio Grande Valley 1987
Water Yield Improvement from Rangeland Watersheds 1987
Texas State Brush Control Plan 1987
Larval Recruitment of Estuarine Related Fishes and Invertebrates of the Texas Coast  
Studies of Freshwater Inflow Effects on the Lavaca River Delta and Lavaca Bay, TX 1986
Drilling, Construction, and Testing of Monitor Wells for the Edwards Aquifer Bad Water Line Experiment 1986
Nueces County Stormwater Management Master Plan 1986
Drainage Criteria and Design Manual Nueces County, TX 1986
Drainage Criteria and Design Manual Kleberg County, TX 1986
Kleberg County Stormwater Management Master Plan 1986
Phase III: Examination of Texas Salt Domes as Potential Sites for Permanent Storage of Toxic Chemical Waste 1985
Data Report Septic Tank Loadings to Lake Travis and Lake Austin 1985
Cities of Friendswood and League City Clear Creek Drainage Improvement Study 1985
Flood Control Planning Study on Chigger and Cowarts Creeks in and for the City of Friendswood, TX 1985
Flood Control on McGrath Creek Wichita Falls, Texas 1985
Texas Salt Domes - Aspects Affecting Disposal of Toxic-Chemical Waste in Solution Mined Caverns 1984

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