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Texas State Library Home Page Projects

2006 Texas Reading Club

Reading: The Sport of Champions!

About the Artist, Frank Remkiewicz
[MS Word; free viewer available]

Clip Art by Frank Remkiewicz (.pdf file)

Additional Artwork and Fonts (.pdf file)

Acceptable Use of Artwork by Frank Remkiewicz

2006 Manual Table of Contents

2006 Manual Available in html!

(Manual also available as a .pdf file)

TRC 2006 Proclamation by
Governor Rick Perry
| Text from Proclamation

2006 Texas Reading Club Theme Song
"Reading: The Sport of Champions!" By Sara Hickman
(Sound File | Lyrics | Appropriate Use)

The Texas Reading Club is designed to encourage youth to read for pleasure and to promote library usage.

A statewide theme is selected each year. The theme for 2006 is "Reading: The Sport of Champions!" and focuses the attention of children and families on sports, games, athletics, athletes, and sports legends. It also reminds young people that reading is fun.

A handbook is created each year to aid in planning and programming, and the handbook, along with posters, reading logs, bookmarks, and certificates are offered by the Texas State Library to encourage participation and support of this important program.

For more information, please contact Christine McNew, Youth Services Consultant, at christine.mcnew@tsl.state.tx.us.

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