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iconEvents and Training Opportunities

The Department of State Health Services Funding Information Center provides information on events, such as upcoming conferences and grantsmanship training, as a public service for informational purposes only. DSHS does not endorse any of the products, vendors or consultants referenced.

Disclaimer: External links to other sites are intended to be informational and do not have the endorsement of the Department of State Health Services. These sites may also not be accessible to persons with disabilities. External e-mail links are provided to you as a courtesy. Please be advised that you are not e-mailing the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and DSHS policies do not apply should you choose to correspond.

February 2008 | March 2008 | January 2008 | December 2007 | November 2007 | October 2007
Online Training (anytime)
| Courses with Multiple Training Dates

iconFebruary 2008

20-23: Preventive Medicine 2008 (Dallas, TX)
Contact: For more information contact ACPM, 1307 New York Ave, NW, Ste 200, Washington, DC, 20005; Phone: (202) 466-2044, ext. 103; Fax: (202) 466-2662; or for updated meeting information, access the website at http://preventivemedicine2008.org/default.htm Vol. 18 No.9

iconMarch 2008

25-26: NIH Regional Seminar in Program Funding and Grants Administration (San Antonio, TX)
Contact: For questions regarding logistics or registration, please contact Jane Youngers at nihseminar@uthscsa.edu or (210) 567-2340. Questions regarding the agenda may be addressed to Cynthia Dwyer at Dwyerc@mail.nih.gov Vol. 18 No. 7

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iconJanuary 2008

28-30: Grants 101: Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop (San Antonio, TX)
Contact: Call (888) 824-4424 or e-mail: info@thegrantinstitute.com Vol. 18 No. 10

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iconDecember 2007

2-5: National HIV Prevention Conference (Atlanta, GA)
Contact: For more information call (800) 772-8232 Vol. 18 No. 2

4: To Be or Not To Be a 501(c)(3) - Part 1 (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Joel Rothermel, (214) 826-3470, fax: (214) 821-3845, e-mail: rothermel@cnmdallas.org Vol. 18 No. 11

4: The Ins and Outs of Corporate Fundraising (Austin, TX)
Contact: Mary Alice Carnes, (512) 477-5955, ext. 268, fax: (512) 477-5911, e-mail: carnesma@greenlights.org Vol. 18 No. 11

6: Getting Down to Business: Developing Your Nonprofit Business Plan (Austin, TX)
Contact: Mary Alice Carnes, (512) 477-5955, ext. 268, fax: (512) 477-5911, e-mail: carnesma@greenlights.org Vol. 18 No. 11

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iconNovember 2007

1: Volunteers are Manageable (Long & Short Series) (Austin, TX)
Contact: Kelly Wagner, (512) 223-7111, e-mail: kwagner@austincc.edu Vol. 18 No. 9

2: November Funders' Forum (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Joel Rothermel, (214) 826-3470, fax: (214) 821-3845, e-mail: rothermel@cnmdallas.org Vol. 18 No. 10

3: To Be or Not To Be a 501(c)(3) - Part 2 (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Joel Rothermel, (214) 826-3470, fax: (214) 821-3845, e-mail: rothermel@cnmdallas.org Vol. 18 No. 10

5: Internal Marketing - Positioning Your Volunteer Program for Success (Austin, TX)
Contact: Kelly Wagner, (512) 223-7111, e-mail: kwagner@austincc.edu Vol. 18 No. 9

5: Volunteer Recruitment and Marketing (Austin, TX)
Contact: Kelly Wagner, (512) 223-7111, e-mail: kwagner@austincc.edu Vol. 18 No. 9

6: Cost Allocation for Nonprofits: Effective Methods (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Joel Rothermel, (214) 826-3470, fax: (214) 821-3845, e-mail: rothermel@cnmdallas.org Vol. 18 No. 10

6: Grantseeking 1: Navigating the Proposal Process (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Joel Rothermel, (214) 826-3470, fax: (214) 821-3845, e-mail: rothermel@cnmdallas.org Vol. 18 No. 10

7-9: 3rd Annual Strengthening Youth and Families Conference (Austin, TX)
Contact: Erin M. Espinosa, (512) 424-6728, fax: (512) 424-6717, e-mail: Erin.Espinosa@tjpc.state.tx.us Vol. 18 No. 10

8: Developing Effective Grant Budgets (Austin, TX)
Contact: Kelly Wagner, (512) 223-7076, e-mail: kwagner@austincc.edu Vol. 18 No. 10

13: Effective Grant Writing (Austin, TX)
Contact: Kelly Wagner, (512) 223-7076, e-mail: kwagner@austincc.edu Vol. 18 No. 10

13: Supervisory Leadership (Austin, TX)
Contact: Kelly Wagner, (512) 223-7076, e-mail: kwagner@austincc.edu Vol. 18 No. 10

13: Career/Internship Fair (Fort Worth, TX)
Contact: Michael Lopez, (817) 735-5191, fax: (817) 735-2619 Vol. 18 No. 10

14: Grants Research 201: Websites, RFPs and Database Secrets of Experienced Grant Professionals (Austin, TX)
Contact: Call (512) 335-1071 for more information Vol. 18 No. 10

14: Introduction to the Standards for Excellence®: An Ethics and Accountability Program for the Nonprofit Sector (Austin, TX)
Barry Silverberg & Matt Kouri, (512) 223-7076 or (512) 477-5955, fax: (512) 223-7210 Vol. 18 No. 10

15: Successful Grants Write Now (Austin, TX)
Contact: Mary Alice Carnes, (512) 477-5955, ext. 268, fax: (512) 477-5911, e-mail: carnesma@greenlights.org Vol. 18 No. 11

15: Current Challenges and Successes in HIV Prevention with Hispanics/Latinos (Your location)
Contact: For more information call (800) 458-5231 or e-mail: info@cdcnpin.org Vol. 18 No. 9

15-16: Grant Writing and Resource Development Workshops (Houston, TX)
Contact: Call (888) 310-3959 or fax: (317) 465-9675 Vol. 18 No. 11

28: Lunch and Learn: Bringing Foreign Language into Your Communication Strategy (Austin, TX)
Contact: Mary Alice Carnes, (512) 477-5955, ext. 268, fax: (512) 477-5911, e-mail: carnesma@greenlights.org Vol. 18 No. 11

28: Uses of Audited Financial Statements (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Joel Rothermel, (214) 826-3470, fax: (214) 821-3845, e-mail: rothermel@cnmdallas.org Vol. 18 No. 11

28: How to Use QuickBooks in a Nonprofit (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Joel Rothermel, (214) 826-3470, fax: (214) 821-3845, e-mail: rothermel@cnmdallas.org Vol. 18 No. 11

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iconOctober 2007

2: Making Your Agency Eligible for Grant Funding (Austin, TX)
Contact: Kelly Wagner, (512) 223-7111, e-mail: kwagner@austincc.edu Vol. 18 No. 9

3: Grants and Proposal Writing (College Station, TX)
Contact: Michelle Malizia, (713) 799-7880, e-mail: michelle.malizia@exch.library.tmc.edu Vol. 18 No. 8

6: Beyond Sunday Morning: Transforming Your Community by Creating an Infrastructure of Excellence (Austin, TX)
Contact: Kelly Wagner, (512) 223-7111, e-mail: kwagner@austincc.edu Vol. 18 No. 9

9: Grants 101: Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop (Las Cruces, NM)
Contact: For more information call (888) 824-4424 or e-mail: info@thegrantinstitute.com Vol. 18 No. 9

10: Creating Productive Press Releases (and media kits) (Austin, TX)
Contact: Kelly Wagner, (512) 223-7111, e-mail: kwagner@austincc.edu Vol. 18 No. 9

10: Writing the Case Statement Clinic (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Joel Rothermel, (214) 826-3470, fax (214) 821-3845, e-mail: rothermel@cnmdallas.org Vol. 18 No. 10

11: Online Fundraising - Opportunities and Keys for Success (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Joel Rothermel, (214) 826-3470, fax (214) 821-3845, e-mail: rothermel@cnmdallas.org Vol. 18 No. 10

16: Crossroads Conference: Going the Distance (Austin, TX)
Contact: (512) 477-5955 ext. 268 Vol. 18 No. 10

16: The One-Page Business Plan for Nonprofits (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Joel Rothermel, (214) 826-3470, fax (214) 821-3845, e-mail: rothermel@cnmdallas.org Vol. 18 No. 10

16: Regional Foundation Library: Research & Resources -- Tour of Hogg Foundation Library (Austin, TX)
Contact: Kelly Wagner, (512) 223-7111, e-mail: kwagner@austincc.edu Vol. 18 No. 9

17: Webcast -- Major Gift Programs That Work and Really Raise Money: Integrating Special Event Models into Your Fundraising Campaigns (Your office or meeting room)
Contact: Please see http://www.marketingpower.com/webcast405.php for contact information Vol. 18 No. 10

17: 7th Bi-National Health Week Cultural Competency Seminar (Arlington, TX)
Contact: To view the registration brochure, go to http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/hivstd/info/BrochureBinationalHealth.pdf or call (214) 860-2147 Vol. 18 No.10

23: A Guide to Disaster Recovery Planning (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Joel Rothermel, (214) 826-3470, fax: (214) 821-3845, e-mail: rothermel@cnmdallas.org Vol. 18 No. 10

25: Budgeting for Non-Financial Managers (Austin, TX)
Contact: Kori Gough, (512) 288-2627 Vol. 18 No. 10

30: Five Minute Connection: Media Training and Media Tour (Austin, TX)
Contact: Kori Gough, (512) 288-2627 Vol. 18 No. 10

30: Evaluating the Nonprofit CEO: Supportive Structures Designed (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Joel Rothermel, (214) 826-3470, fax: (214) 821-3845, e-mail: rothermel@cnmdallas.org Vol. 18 No. 10

31: The Tricks & Treats of Working with Consultants (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Joel Rothermel, (214) 826-3470, fax: (214) 821-3845, e-mail: rothermel@cnmdallas.org Vol. 18 No. 10

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iconCourses with Multiple Training Dates

Federal Grants Management Boot Camp - Audio Conference (Your office or conference room)
Contact: Thompson Interactive, 1725 K Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20006, (800) 925-1878 Vol. 18 No. 4

Nonprofit Leadership Certificate (Dallas, TX)
Contact: Demesha Cornelius, (214) 826-3470 ext. 239, e-mail: cornelius@cnmdallas.org

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Last updated October 29, 2007

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