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Bounty Hunter Information

Sec. 1702.3863. Unauthorized Contract With Bail Bond Surety; Offense.

(a) A person commits an offense if the person contracts with or is employed by a bail bond
surety as defined by Chapter 1704 to secure the appearance of a person who has violated Section 38.10, Penal Code, unless the person is:

  1. a peace officer;
  2. an individual licensed as a private investigator or the manager or a licensed
    investigations company; or
  3. a commissioned security officer employed by a licensed guard company.

(b) An offense under Subsection (a) is a state jail felony.


Sec. 1702.3867. Execution Of Capias Or Arrest Warrant; Offense.

(a) A private investigator executing a capias or an arrest warrant on behalf of a bail bond surety may not:

  1. enter a residence without the consent of the occupants;
  2. execute the capias or warrant without written authorization from the surety;
  3. wear, carry, or display any uniform, badge, shield, or other insignia or emblem that
    implies that the private investigator is an employee, officer, or agent of the federal government, the state, or a political subdivision of the state; or
  4. notwithstanding Section 9.51, Penal Code, use deadly force.

(b) Notwithstanding Subsection (a) (3), a private investigator may display identification that
indicates that the person is acting on behalf of a bail bond surety.

(c) A private investigator executing a capias or an arrest warrant on behalf of a bail bond surety shall immediately take the person arrested to:

  1. if the arrest is made in the county in which the capias or warrant was issued:
    1. the county jail for that county if:
      1. the offense is a Class A or Class B misdemeanor or a felony; or
      2. the offense is a Class C misdemeanor and the capias or warrant was
        issued by a magistrate of that county; or
    2. the municipal jail for the appropriate municipality if the offense is a Class C
      misdemeanor and the capias or warrant was issued by a magistrate of the municipality; or
  2. if the arrest is made in a county other than the county in which the capias or warrant
    was issued, the county jail for the county in which the arrest is made.

(d) A person commits an offense if the person violates this section. An offense under this section is a state jail felony.

§ 35.39 Uniform Requirements

This portion is a limited display of this rule;

...d. No license shall display a badge, shoulder patch, logo or any other identification which contains the words “Law Enforcement” and/or similar word (s) including, but not limited to: agent, enforcement agent, detective, task force, fugitive recovery agent or any other combination of names which gives the impression that the bearer is in any way connected with the Federal government, State government or any political subdivision of a State government.

Sec. 1702.365. Abduction Of Child.

The commission shall revoke a person's license, registration, or security officer commission or deny a person's application for, or renewal of, a license, registration, or security officer commission on proof that the person or an agent of the person has, after the date of application for a license, registration, or security officer commission, abducted or attempted to abduct by force or the threat of force or by misrepresentation, stealth, or unlawful entry a child who at the time of the abduction or attempt is under the care and control of a person who:

  1. has custody or physical possession of the child under a court order; or
  2. is exercising the care and control with the consent of a person who has custody or physical possession of the child under a court order.

Sec. 1702.388. Violation Of Chapter; Offense.
(a) A person commits an offense if the person violates a provision of this chapter for which a specific criminal penalty is not prescribed.

(b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor, except that the offense is a felony of the third degree if the person has previously been convicted under this chapter of failing to hold a license, registration, certificate, or commission that the person is required to hold under this chapter.