Texas Historical Commission

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Become a Texas Hero

Would you like to become a Texas Hero? As someone who is interested in preserving and promoting the rich history of ourtexas heroes state, we would welcome your involvement with the Texas Historial Commission through the Texas Heroes, our special council of philanthropists. We invite you to become a Texas Hero through a contribution of $1,000 per year to the Friends of the Texas Historical Commission. Texas Heroes are invited to events throughout the state, including the Awards Luncheon at the Annual Historic Preservation Conference, held each spring. Texas Heroes are listed in the Commission’s magazine, The Medallion, and on the THC web site.

We invite you to be our partner in efforts to protect and promote the rich cultural legacy of our state. Our goal is to engage hundreds of Texas preservationists in building a strong foundation of financial support for programs of the Texas Historical Commission for which state funds are not available. We need your help to ensure that our state’s historic resources are preserved for the education, enjoyment and economic benefit of present and future generations. Won’t you join us?

Join the list of Texas Heroes (Word).

YES, I want to become a Texas Hero! Donation Form (Word)